Telkomsel Terus Akselerasikan Transformasi Digital UKM sebagai Komitmen Implementasi Prinsip ESG | — Telkomsel gelar roadhshow program Digital Creative Entrepreneurs (DCE) di kota Medan.
Program ini digelar guna mendorong akselerasi transformasi digital di sektor Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) Indonesia, dimana kegiatan ini sudah berlangsung di tahun ketiga dalam pelaksanaanya.
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Secara special roadshow yang hadir di kota Medan ini dihadiri oleh berbagai pelaku UKM dari berbagai kategori seperti F&B, Fashion, Craft dan Personal Care.
Dengan mengusung tema “Upgrade to Accelerate”, program DCE kali ini berfokus pada peningkatan kapasitas dan kapabilitas digital UKM yang dapat memaksimalkan potensi ekonomi digital Indonesia. Sebagai Small Medium Enterprise (SME) impact accelerator, program DCE merupakan upaya penciptaan dampak sosial dalam proses bisnis berkelanjutan Telkomsel yang mengimplementasikan prinsip Environmental, Social, dan Governance (ESG).
General Manager Consumer Business Region Sumbagut Telkomsel Erwin T Saragih mengatakan, selaras dengan semangat Indonesia untuk berbagi harapan akan kemajuan negeri, yang menginspirasi semangat Telkomsel untuk terus berupaya menciptakan dampak sosial dalam proses bisnis berkelanjutan melalui pengimplementasian prinsip ESG.
“Program DCE kembali dihadirkan Telkomsel dengan mengambil peran sebagai SME impact accelerator guna meningkatkan kapasitas dan kapabilitas para entrepreneur dan brand owners UKM lokal seperti yang hadir di kota Medan pada kegiatan roadshow ini,” katanya.
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Di tahun ke-3 ini, Telkomsel meningkatkan program DCE dengan kurikulum yang dikembangkan khusus untuk akselerasi pertumbuhan skala usaha UKM, membuka peluang proposal kolaborasi dengan ekosistem digital Telkomsel, penyelenggaraan kelas intensif bersama mentor dan ahli secara offline, keterlibatan komunitas-komunitas pendukung UKM seperti Rumah BUMN, inkubator bisnis kampus, dan komunitas kreatif lokal, serta peningkatan peran alumni sebagai pendamping mentor.
Telkomsel membuka pendaftaran program DCE hingga 27 Februari 2024 bagi UKM dari empat kategori Accelerate SME Tracks, yaitu F&B, Fashion, Craft, dan Personal Care.
Dalam mendorong keikutsertaan dari pegiat UKM di wilayah kota Medan dan sekitarnya, Telkomsel menggelar roadshow DCE dengan menghadirkan berbagai Expert Talk seperti Brand Manager Six6Street Alberth Halim dan 3rd DCE Head Mentor & Founder Amygdala Bamboo Harry A. Mawardi.
Selain di kota Medan, kegiatan Roadshow bersama komunitas UKM dan Alumni program DCE juga akan berlangsung di berbagai kota lain seperti Surabaya (24 Januari 2024), Balikpapan (7 Februari 2024), dan Bandung (21 Februari 2024).
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Selanjutnya, upaya akselerasi pertumbuhan bisnis UKM dalam program DCE ke-3 akan dilakukan melalui kegiatan Onboarding bagi 300 peserta terseleksi dari seluruh pendaftar untuk mengenal lebih jauh ekosistem digital Telkomsel dan pemanfaatannya untuk pengembangan usaha, kegiatan Pitching Tracks bagi 32 peserta terpilih untuk penilaian business plan dan pemanfaatan digital dalam usahanya, kegiatan Academy bagi 12 peserta unggulan untuk membangun kapasitas bersama mentor dan ahli serta interaksi secara offline, serta kegiatan Awarding untuk final pitch dari 5 peserta terbaik.
DCE adalah program corporate social responsibility (CSR) Telkomsel yang berfokus membuka lebih banyak peluang dengan mengambil peran sebagai platform akselerasi untuk meningkatkan kapabilitas, kompetensi, dan kreativitas digital para pelaku UKM di Indonesia melalui pemanfaatan ekosistem aset dan kapabilitas Telkomsel.
Program DCE dirancang secara khusus untuk mendukung UKM lokal agar dapat mencapai potensi maksimalnya, menciptakan dampak melalui inovasi yang inspiratif, serta memperkuat daya saing mereka di era ekonomi digital, baik di tingkat nasional maupun global.
Dihadirkan sejak 2021, hingga tahun ketiga pelaksanaannya program DCE telah mendukung pengembangan lebih dari 2.500 UKM lokal dan mencatatkan hingga 350 UKM terbaik sebagai alumninya.
“Telkomsel berharap program DCE dapat terus secara relevan mengakselerasi perkembangan bisnis UKM agar dapat bergerak dan berdampak terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia secara inklusif dan berkelanjutan, termasuk para pelaku UKM di kota Medan,” pungkas Erwin.
Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai program DCE ke-3 dapat diakses melalui laman dan media sosial @dce_id. ***
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Telkomsel Continues to Accelerate SME Digital Transformation as Commitment to Implementing ESG Principles | — Telkomsel held a Digital Creative Entrepreneurs (DCE) program roadshow in the city of Medan. This program was held to encourage the acceleration of digital transformation in the Indonesian Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) sector, where this activity is already underway in its third year of implementation.
The special roadshow which was present in the city of Medan was attended by various SME players from various categories such as F&B, Fashion, Craft and Personal Care.
With the theme “Upgrade to Accelerate”, the DCE program this time focuses on increasing the digital capacity and capabilities of SMEs that can maximize the potential of Indonesia’s digital economy. As a Small Medium Enterprise (SME) impact accelerator, the DCE program is an effort to create social impact in Telkomsel’s sustainable business processes that implement Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles.
General Manager Consumer Business Region Sumbagut Telkomsel Erwin T Saragih said, in line with Indonesia’s spirit to share hopes for the country’s progress, which inspired Telkomsel’s enthusiasm to continue to strive to create social impacts in sustainable business processes through implementing ESG principles.
“Telkomsel is presenting the DCE program again by taking the role as an SME impact accelerator to increase the capacity and capability of local SME entrepreneurs and brand owners such as those present in the city of Medan at this roadshow activity,” he said.
In this 3rd year, Telkomsel is improving the DCE program with a curriculum developed specifically to accelerate the growth of SME business scale, opening up opportunities for collaboration proposals with the Telkomsel digital ecosystem, holding intensive classes with mentors and experts offline, involving SME supporting communities such as Rumah BUMN, campus business incubators, and local creative communities, as well as increasing the role of alumni as mentors.
Telkomsel opens registration for the DCE program until February 27 2024 for SMEs from four Accelerate SME Tracks categories, namely F&B, Fashion, Craft and Personal Care.
To encourage participation from SME activists in the Medan city area and surrounding areas, Telkomsel held a DCE roadshow by presenting various Expert Talks such as Six6Street Brand Manager Alberth Halim and 3rd DCE Head Mentor & Founder of Amygdala Bamboo Harry A. Mawardi.
Apart from the city of Medan, Roadshow activities with the UKM community and Alumni of the DCE program will also take place in various other cities such as Surabaya (24 January 2024), Balikpapan (7 February 2024), and Bandung (21 February 2024).
Furthermore, efforts to accelerate SME business growth in the 3rd DCE program will be carried out through Onboarding activities for 300 selected participants from all registrants to get to know more about the Telkomsel digital ecosystem and its use for business development, Pitching Tracks activities for 32 selected participants for business plan assessment and using digital in their business, Academy activities for 12 top participants to build capacity with mentors and experts as well as offline interactions, as well as Awarding activities for the final pitch from the 5 best participants.
DCE is Telkomsel’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) program which focuses on opening up more opportunities by taking a role as an acceleration platform to increase the capabilities, competencies and digital creativity of SMEs in Indonesia through utilizing Telkomsel’s ecosystem of assets and capabilities.
The DCE program is specifically designed to support local SMEs so they can reach their maximum potential, create impact through inspiring innovation, and strengthen their competitiveness in the digital economy era, both at the national and global levels.
Present since 2021, until the third year of implementation, the DCE program has supported the development of more than 2,500 local UKMs and recorded up to 350 of the best UKMs as alumni.
“Telkomsel hopes that the DCE program can continue to relevantly accelerate the development of SME businesses so that they can move and have an impact on Indonesia’s economic growth in an inclusive and sustainable manner, including SMEs in the city of Medan,” concluded Erwin.
Further information regarding the 3rd DCE program can be accessed via the page and social media @dce_id. ***