Gelorakan Pemilu 2024 Damai, Aliansi Mahasiswa Cipayung Plus Deli Serdang Tolak Hoax dan Politik Uang

Gelorakan Pemilu 2024 Damai, Aliansi Mahasiswa Cipayung Plus Deli Serdang Tolak Hoax dan Politik Uang

Gelorakan Pemilu 2024 Damai, Aliansi Mahasiswa Cipayung Plus Deli Serdang Tolak Hoax dan Politik Uang | — Gelorakan Pemilik 2024 damai, para mahasiswa dari berbagai perguruan tinggi yang tergabung dalam Aliansi Mahasiswa Cipayung plus Deli Serdang melakukan orasi di Tugu Simpang Kantor Bupati Deli Serdang, Selasa, 6 Februari 2024.

Seratusan mahasiswa yang dipimpin masing-masing Ketua HIMMAH (Abdul Razaq), PMII (Akhyar Puadi), IMM pimpinan M.Nurhidayat dan HMI Deli Serdang pimpinan Andre Agasi bergerak dengan berjalan kaki dari titik kumpul Caffe Bosque, Jl. Medan – L. Pakam depan Stadion Baharoeddin Siregar menuju lokasi aksi disimpang tugu kantor bupati.

REKOMENDASI: Pemuda Muslim Solid Dukung Capres 02 Prabowo-Gibran

Tiba di lokasi, para pimpinan organisasi mahasiswa itu secara bergantian melakukan orasi, menyerukan Pemilu 2024 damai, tanpa hoax dan tanpa ujaran kebencian di Sumatera Utara.

Mereka menilai hingga hari ini masih muncul berita-berita hoax terutama menjelang Pemilu 2024.

Karena itu, aliansi Mahasiswa Cipayung Plus Deli Serdang menyatakan sikap menolak berita hoax.

“Aliansi mahasiswa Cipayung gelorakan Pemilu 2024 damai dan menolak berita hoax, ujaran kebencian dan politik uang,” tegas mereka dalam pernyataannya

Mereka juga menyatakan menolak provokasi dari pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab. “Tapi mendukung agar Pemilu 2024 berlangsung secara damai,” ajak mereka.

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REKOMENDASI: Senam Gemoy Prabowo-Gibran Goyang Tanah Karo

Aliansi mahasiswa Cipayung Plus Deli Serdang mengatakan, Pemilu 2024 yang damai akan membawa pembangunan Indonesia yang berkelanjutan.

“Kami mengajak seluruh elemen masyarakat di Sumatera Utara dan seluruh masyarakat Indonesia untuk mendukung Pemilu 2024 berjalan damai, aman dan lancar,” ungkap mereka.

Rangkaian kegiatan berlangsung hingga pukul 15.40 WIB. Para mahasiswa pun membubarkan diri dengan tertip dengan pengamanan dari Polres Deli Serdang. ***

google translate

Peaceful 2024 Election, Cipayung Plus Deli Serdang Student Alliance Rejects Hoaxes and Money Politics | — The 2024 Owner’s Movement was peaceful, students from various universities who are members of the Cipayung plus Deli Serdang Student Alliance gave speeches at the Simpang Monument at the Deli Serdang Regent’s Office, Tuesday, February 6 2024.

Hundreds of students led respectively by the Chair of HIMMAH (Abdul Razaq), PMII (Akhyar Puadi), IMM led by M.Nurhidayat and HMI Deli Serdang led by Andre Agasi moved on foot from the Caffe Bosque gathering point, Jl. Medan – L. Pakam in front of the Baharoeddin Siregar Stadium towards the location of the action, opposite the regent’s office monument.

Arriving at the location, the student organization leaders took turns giving speeches, calling for the 2024 elections to be peaceful, without hoaxes and without hate speech in North Sumatra.

They believe that to this day, hoax news still appears, especially ahead of the 2024 election.

Because of this, the Cipayung Plus Deli Serdang Student Alliance stated that it rejects hoax news.

“The Cipayung Student Alliance is holding the 2024 elections peacefully and rejecting hoax news, hate speech and money politics,” they stressed in their statement.

They also stated that they rejected provocation from irresponsible parties. “But support the 2024 elections to take place peacefully,” they said.

The Cipayung Plus Deli Serdang student alliance said that a peaceful 2024 election would bring sustainable development to Indonesia.

“We invite all elements of society in North Sumatra and all Indonesian people to support the 2024 elections to run peacefully, safely and smoothly,” they said.

The series of activities lasted until 15.40 WIB. The students dispersed in an orderly manner with security from the Deli Serdang Police. ***


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