HPN 2024! Medsos Gerogoti Kebebasan Pers

HPN 2024! Medsos Gerogoti Kebebasan Pers

HPN 2024! Medsos Gerogoti Kebebasan Pers | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Konvensi Nasional Media Massa dalam rangka Hari Pers Nasional (HPN) 2024, dibuka Menteri Kominfo RI, Budi Arie Setiadi, di Candi Bentar Ancol, Jakarta, Senin 19 Februari 2024.

Menkominfo Budi Arie Setiadi menekankan pentingnya fungsi pers dijalankan sesuai ketentuan yang mengatur pers itu sendiri. Ia menyambut baik tema HPN 2024 “Pers mewujudkan demokrasi di era digital”.

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Sebelum dibuka resmi, terlebih dahulu Ketua Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWI), Hendry Ch Bangun, menyampaikan harapannya bahwa Konvensi Nasional Media Massa itu melahirkan ide dan rumusan terbaik untuk pengembangan pers Tanah Air.

Hadir juga Menteri Dalam Negeri (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian, Wakil Menkominfo Nezar Patria dan Ketua Dewan Pers RI, Ninik Rahayu dan para anggota, dan pimpinan serta pengurus organisasi pers konstituen Dewan Pers dari seluruh Indonesia, salah satunya pengurus SMSI Sumut.

Mendagri Tito Karnavian yang menjadi narasumber bersama Ketua Dewan Pers Ninik Rahayu, mengawali sambutannya dengan menyampaikan selamat HPN 2024.

Menurut Tito Karnavian, pers sebagai pilar ke empat demokrasi, harus terus eksis meskipun terus dirongrong berbagai tantangan ekses dari digitalisasi.

Ia menjelaskan, perkembangan pers saat ini sangat menarik karena berkaitan langsung dengan teknologi informasi, seperti yang disampaikan Alvin Topller, akan terjadi revolusi teknologi.

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Karena itu, kata Tito, terjadi pertarungan media sosial (medsos) dengan konvensional media. “Hidup sudah diatur IT (informasi teknologi) dalam membentuk opini publik, bahkan HP pun ikut dibawa ke toilet,” ujar Tito.

Selanjutnya disampaikan Tito, medsos sangat berpengaruh dan masif dalam pembentukan opini. Bedanya dengan media konvensional, yakni masih ada yang mengatur penyampaian informasi, baik secara ketentuan baku maupun kode etik.

Dalam globalisasi saat ini, sangat terbuka perkembangan demokrasi dan media pers. Namun persoalannya sampai sejauh mana koridor pers berjalan dalam koridornya, juga menyangkut etik dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara.

Karena telah menggerogoti kebebasan pers, Mendagri meminta Dewan Pers menata lebih terarah lagi, sehingga medsos tidak terus menggerogoti kebebasan pers.

“Dewan Pers harus lebih spesifik mengatur norma kebebasan yang tidak mengindahkan koridor itu,” ujar Tito.

Dalam kaitan itu, Mendagri mengungkapkan optimismenya media konvensional akan terus mempersiapkan dirinya sebagai kanal informasi resmi bagi masyarakat.

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Sementara Ketua Dewan Pers, Ninik Rahayu, mengapresiasi Mendagri yang terus bergerak aktif dalam penataan pemerintah. Ia juga mengapreasiasi perihal terlaksananya Pemilu 2024 dengan tertib dan lancar.

Ninik menyampaikan, 11 konstituen dewan pers, yang terdiri dari 4 organisasi wartawan 7 organisasi perusahaan, memiliki aturan main, disamping ketentuan resmi tentang pers dan KEJ sebagai payung dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya.

Komisi Pendataan, Penelitian dan Ratifikasi Dewan Pers, Sapto Anggoro, mengatakan pihaknya belum mengatur lebih spesifik soal keberadaan medsos sebagai platform informasi publik. Namun khusus medsos yang dimiliki media, sudah jelas pengaturannya. ***

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HPN 2024! Social Media Undermines Press Freedom | OBROLANBISNIS.com — The National Mass Media Convention in the context of National Press Day (HPN) 2024, opened by the Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, Budi Arie Setiadi, at Candi Bentar Ancol, Jakarta, Monday 19 February 2024.

Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi emphasized the importance of the press’s functions being carried out in accordance with the provisions governing the press itself. He welcomed the HPN 2024 theme “The press realizes democracy in the digital era”.

Before it was officially opened, the Chairman of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), Hendry Ch Bangun, expressed his hope that the National Mass Media Convention would give birth to the best ideas and formulations for the development of the country’s press.

Also present were the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian, Deputy Minister of Communication and Information Nezar Patria and Chair of the Indonesian Press Council, Ninik Rahayu and members, and leaders and administrators of the Press Council’s constituent press organizations from throughout Indonesia, one of which was the administrator of SMSI North Sumatra.

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, who was a resource person together with the Chair of the Press Council, Ninik Rahayu, started his speech by congratulating HPN 2024.

According to Tito Karnavian, the press, as the fourth pillar of democracy, must continue to exist even though it continues to be undermined by various excessive challenges from digitalization.

He explained that the current development of the press is very interesting because it is directly related to information technology, as stated by Alvin Topller, there will be a technological revolution.

Because of this, said Tito, there is a battle between social media (social media) and conventional media. “Life is regulated by IT (information technology) in forming public opinion, even cell phones are taken to the toilet,” said Tito.

Tito further stated that social media is very influential and massive in forming opinions. The difference with conventional media is that there are still those who regulate the delivery of information, both using standard provisions and codes of ethics.

In today’s globalization, the development of democracy and the press media is very open. However, the issue of how far the press goes in its corridors also concerns ethics in national and state life.

Because it has undermined press freedom, the Minister of Home Affairs asked the Press Council to organize it in a more focused manner, so that social media does not continue to undermine press freedom.

“The Press Council must be more specific in regulating freedom norms that do not respect this corridor,” said Tito.

In this regard, the Minister of Home Affairs expressed his optimism that conventional media would continue to prepare itself as an official information channel for the public.

Meanwhile, the Chair of the Press Council, Ninik Rahayu, appreciated the Minister of Home Affairs who continues to be active in structuring the government. He also appreciated the orderly and smooth implementation of the 2024 elections.

Ninik said that the 11 constituent press councils, consisting of 4 journalist organizations and 7 company organizations, have rules of the game, in addition to official provisions regarding the press and KEJ as an umbrella for carrying out their duties.

The Commission for Data Collection, Research and Ratification of the Press Council, Sapto Anggoro, said that his party had not regulated more specifically the existence of social media as a public information platform. However, specifically for social media owned by the media, the regulations are clear. ***


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