Solution Day 2024 | Telkomsel Bersama Telkom Dorong Pertumbuhan Bisnis Segmen Enterprise

Solution Day 2024 | Telkomsel Bersama Telkom Dorong Pertumbuhan Bisnis Segmen Enterprise

Solution Day 2024 | Telkomsel Bersama Telkom Dorong Pertumbuhan Bisnis Segmen Enterprise | — Telkomsel bersama Telkom menggelar Solution Day 2024 di Jakarta, 22 Februari 2024, yang merupakan ajang tahunan untuk memperkenalkan ragam solusi bisnis berbasis digital dari Telkomsel Enterprise dan Telkom.

Mengusung tema ‘Lead the Moment, Accelerate Business Growth’, gelaran Solution Day menjadi wadah bagi pelanggan segmen korporasi dan industri untuk mengakselerasi pertumbuhan bisnisnya dengan memanfaatkan ragam solusi digital terkini.

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Gelaran tersebut juga mempertegas komitmen Telkomsel untuk menjadi digital telco service provider terbaik di regional dengan konsisten menghadirkan ragam solusi inovatif terdepan dalam mendukung transformasi digital di berbagai sektor.

Direktur Enterprise and Business Service Telkom, FM Venusiana R mengatakan, Telkom Group berkomitmen untuk terus memberikan solusi terbaik bagi pelanggan enterprise dalam mendorong pertumbuhan bisnisnya, melalui digitalisasi proses, layanan dan platform sehingga meningkatkan produktifitas dan efisiensi.

Diperkuat dengan infrastruktur yang andal, anak perusahaan yang kapabel diantaranya Telkomsel, dan juga puluhan mitra global terpercaya, Telkom Group telah membuktikan mampu membawa transformasi digital baik bagi pelanggan, masyarakat maupun pemerintahan.

“Melalui Telkomsel Solution Day 2024, kami ingin memberikan wawasan kepada para pelanggan dalam beragam use case, khususnya mobile solution dari Telkomsel, yang diharapkan dapat mempercepat transformasi digital di seluruh industri dan mengoptimalkan potensi bisnis dalam mendorong perekonomian Indonesia,” katanya.

Direktur Utama Telkomsel, Nugroho, menyampaikan, sejalan dengan semangat #PastiAdaSolusi, Telkomsel Enterprise sebagai salah satu product factory bisnis Telkom Group berkomitmen menghadirkan ragam solusi inovatif, baik horizontal maupun vertical yang dikembangkan berdasarkan tren industri dan kebutuhan para pelaku bisnis.

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Dengan hadirnya gelaran Solution Day 2024 akan menjadi wadah inspiratif yang berfokus pada penerapan inovasi solusi digital komprehensif dan esensial dalam mengakselerasi bisnis sekaligus menciptakan nilai tambah yang berdampak positif bagi para pelanggan Telkom Group di segmen korporasi.

Gelaran Solution Day 2024 menghadirkan rangkaian acara yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman akan solusi digital terkini melalui kegiatan Industry Insight, Solution Updates, Booth Solution Experience, B2B Product Launches, dan Networking.

Terdapat lebih dari 40 showcase solusi digital unggulan yang dihadirkan bagi segmen korporasi pada Solution Day 2024, di mana solusi-solusi tersebut terbagi ke dalam 12 kategori vertikal dan horizontal.

Lima showcase vertikal bisnis yang dijadikan fokus pada gelaran Solution Day 2024 antara lain Pertambangan, Manufaktur, Layanan Keuangan, Transportasi & Logistic, dan Agrikultur. Untuk tujuh showcase kategori horizontal bisnis, Telkomsel dan Telkom menghadirkan beberapa solusi digital yakni Connectivity, IoT, Advance Connectivity, Customer Engagement, Emerging Solution, Innovation dan Data Center, Cloud and Security Solution.

Kemudian, setelah terjalinnya kolaborasi bersama google beberapa waktu lalu dalam pemanfaatan layanan Rich Communication Services (RCS), kini Telkomsel Enterprise mempersembahkan sebuah platform komunikasi canggih sebagai the Next Generation of Messaging Services yang memungkinkan pelanggan untuk meningkatkan layanan Short Messaging Service (SMS) dengan tingkat interaktivitas yang lebih tinggi, berbagi konten multimedia berkualitas tinggi, berpartisipasi dalam obrolan grup yang lebih dinamis, serta mencakup dukungan penuh untuk tanda terima telah dibaca dan indikator pengetikan.

Pelanggan segmen korporasi juga dapat menggunakan fitur komunikasi canggih yang disediakan dalam RCS untuk menyampaikan RCS Business Messaging (RBM) kepada konsumen melalui pesan yang lebih kaya dan interaktif sesuai kebutuhan bisnis.

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Selain itu, konsep one-stop-solution yang tersedia di dalam fitur komunikasi canggih RCS akan membantu pelanggan segmen korporasi dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan bisnis dengan kebebasan penuh untuk menyampaikan pesan bisnis yang lebih kaya dan interaktif kepada target audiens.

Tak hanya itu, Telkomsel juga memperkenalkan dua solusi baru, yakni Ted dan Digihub. Ted merupakan solusi virtual account manager B2B Telkom Group dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Generative AI guna meningkatkan kualitas layanan kepada pelanggan.

Kemudian Digihub, sebuah platfrom yang menyediakan akses pada API (Application Programming Interface) telekomunikasi yang sudah ditawarkan Telkomsel seperti API Insight (API Location Verification), API layanan telekomunikasi (API SMS), API Dynamic Profile (API SIM Swap), dan API Autentikasi (API Mobile Network Verification).

Solusi Digihub ini dapat memfasilitasi pelaku bisnis, korporasi maupun developer dalam mengintegrasikan berbagai layanan dan fungsi bisnisnya melalui API Telkomsel yang mudah diakses dan efisien, sehingga dapat membuka berbagai peluang pengembangan dan pertumbuhan solusi inovasi layanan digital.

Solusi Digihub ini juga memperkuat posisi Telkomsel sebagai perusahaan telekomunikasi digital terdepan penyedia API telekomunikasi berbasis standar CAMARA di Indonesia. Salah satu API yang saat ini tersedia di Digihub berbasis standar CAMARA dan dapat diakses secara komersial adalah API SIM Swap yang penggunaannya dapat mendukung pelaku industri digital dalam menjaga keamanan layanan digital. Informasi lebih lanjut terkait layanan Digihub bisa diakses melalui

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Bersamaan dengan gelaran Solution Day 2024, Telkomsel juga menandatangani nota kesepahaman bersama beberapa perusahaan seperti kerja sama di bidang Infrastructre as a Service bersama PT Kalimantan Industrial Park Indonesia, kerja sama di bidang Connected Smart Highway Ecosystem bersama Jasamarga Toll Road Operator dan kerja sama pemanfaatan RCS Business Messaging (RBM) bersama PT. Samsung Electronics Indonesia (SEIN). Kerjasama ini mempertegas komitmen Telkomsel untuk melayani pelanggan segmen korporasi untuk menciptakan ekosistem digital yang inklusif dan berkelanjutan.

“Kami berharap melalui gelaran Solution Day 2024, para pelanggan segmen koporasi dan industri dapat membuat langkah berani mengambil aksi dalam mengakselerasikan transformasi digital perusahannya melalui pemanfaan solusi digital terkini dari ekosistem layanan bisnis Telkomsel Enterprise dan Telkom dalam mendukung pertumbuhan bisnisnya secara berkelanjutan. Telkomsel dan Telkom berkomitmen untuk senantiasa menjadi mitra terdepan yang memberikan dukungan kepada pelanggan segmen korporasi melalui insight bisnis, data terkini, strategi esensial, hingga solusi inovatif yang dapat membantu pelaku bisnis memanfaatkan setiap peluang dalam menghadapi tantangan lanskap bisnis yang terus berubah,” ucap Nugroho.

Pelanggan bisnis dari segmen korporasi, industri dan sektor UMKM dapat mengakses informasi mengenai ragam solusi digital terbaik dari Telkomsel Enterprise dan Telkom melalui laman dan ***

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Solution Day 2024 | Telkomsel Together with Telkom Encourages Business Growth in the Enterprise Segment | — Telkomsel together with Telkom held Solution Day 2024 in Jakarta, 22 February 2024, which is an annual event to introduce various digital-based business solutions from Telkomsel Enterprise and Telkom.

Carrying the theme ‘Lead the Moment, Accelerate Business Growth’, the Solution Day event is a forum for corporate and industrial segment customers to accelerate their business growth by utilizing a variety of the latest digital solutions.

This event also emphasizes Telkomsel’s commitment to becoming the best digital telco service provider in the region by consistently presenting a variety of leading innovative solutions to support digital transformation in various sectors.

Director of Enterprise and Business Services Telkom, FM Venusiana R said, Telkom Group is committed to continuing to provide the best solutions for enterprise customers in encouraging business growth, through digitizing processes, services and platforms so as to increase productivity and efficiency.

Strengthened by reliable infrastructure, capable subsidiaries including Telkomsel, and also dozens of trusted global partners, Telkom Group has proven capable of bringing digital transformation to customers, society and government.

“Through Telkomsel Solution Day 2024, we want to provide insight to customers in various use cases, especially mobile solutions from Telkomsel, which are expected to accelerate digital transformation in all industries and optimize business potential in driving the Indonesian economy,” he said.

The President Director of Telkomsel, Nugroho, said that in line with the spirit of #PastiThereASolution, Telkomsel Enterprise as one of the Telkom Group’s business product factories is committed to presenting a variety of innovative solutions, both horizontal and vertical, which are developed based on industry trends and the needs of business people.

With the presence of Solution Day 2024, it will be an inspiring forum that focuses on implementing comprehensive and essential digital solution innovations in accelerating business while creating added value that has a positive impact on Telkom Group customers in the corporate segment.

The Solution Day 2024 event presents a series of events aimed at increasing understanding of the latest digital solutions through Industry Insight, Solution Updates, Booth Solution Experience, B2B Product Launches, and Networking activities.

There were more than 40 showcases of superior digital solutions presented for the corporate segment at Solution Day 2024, where these solutions were divided into 12 vertical and horizontal categories.

The five business vertical showcases that will be the focus of Solution Day 2024 include Mining, Manufacturing, Financial Services, Transportation & Logistics, and Agriculture. For the seven horizontal business category showcases, Telkomsel and Telkom presented several digital solutions, namely Connectivity, IoT, Advance Connectivity, Customer Engagement, Emerging Solution, Innovation and Data Center, Cloud and Security Solution.

Then, after collaborating with Google some time ago in utilizing Rich Communication Services (RCS) services, Telkomsel Enterprise is now presenting a sophisticated communications platform as the Next Generation of Messaging Services which allows customers to improve Short Messaging Service (SMS) services with a level of interactivity. higher levels, share high-quality multimedia content, participate in more dynamic group chats, and includes full support for read receipts and typing indicators.

Corporate segment customers can also use the advanced communication features provided in RCS to deliver RCS Business Messaging (RBM) to consumers through richer and more interactive messages according to business needs.

In addition, the one-stop-solution concept available in RCS’ advanced communications features will help corporate segment customers increase business growth with complete freedom to convey richer and more interactive business messages to target audiences.

Not only that, Telkomsel also introduced two new solutions, namely Ted and Digihub. Ted is Telkom Group’s B2B virtual account manager solution by utilizing Generative AI technology to improve the quality of service to customers.

Then Digihub, a platform that provides access to telecommunications API (Application Programming Interface) that Telkomsel has offered such as API Insight (API Location Verification), telecommunications service API (API SMS), API Dynamic Profile (API SIM Swap), and API Authentication ( Mobile Network Verification API).

This Digihub solution also strengthens Telkomsel’s position as the leading digital telecommunications company providing CAMARA standards-based telecommunications APIs in Indonesia. One of the APIs that is currently available on Digihub based on CAMARA standards and can be accessed commercially is the SIM Swap API, the use of which can support digital industry players in maintaining the security of digital services. Further information regarding Digihub services can be accessed via

Simultaneously with the 2024 Solution Day event, Telkomsel also signed a memorandum of understanding with several companies, such as cooperation in the field of Infrastructure as a Service with PT Kalimantan Industrial Park Indonesia, cooperation in the field of Connected Smart Highway Ecosystem with Jasamarga Toll Road Operator and cooperation in the use of RCS Business Messaging (RBM) with PT. Samsung Electronics Indonesia (SEIN). This collaboration emphasizes Telkomsel’s commitment to serving corporate segment customers to create an inclusive and sustainable digital ecosystem.

“We hope that through the 2024 Solution Day event, customers in the corporate and industrial segments can take bold steps to take action in accelerating their company’s digital transformation by utilizing the latest digital solutions from the Telkomsel Enterprise and Telkom business services ecosystem to support sustainable business growth. “Telkomsel and Telkom are committed to always being the leading partners that provide support to corporate segment customers through business insights, the latest data, essential strategies, and innovative solutions that can help business people take advantage of every opportunity in facing the challenges of an ever-changing business landscape,” said Nugroho.

Business customers from the corporate, industrial and MSME sectors can access information about the best variety of digital solutions from Telkomsel Enterprise and Telkom via the and pages. ***


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