Telkomsel: Akses Digital Gelaran F1 Powerboat di Danau Toba Dipastikan Optimal

Telkomsel: Akses Digital Gelaran F1 Powerboat di Danau Toba Dipastikan Optimal

Telkomsel: Akses Digital Gelaran F1 Powerboat di Danau Toba Dipastikan Optimal | — Telkomsel ikut menyukseskan gelaran F1 Powerboat World Championship 2024 yang berlangsung dari tanggal 2 – 3 Maret 2024 di kawasan Danau Toba, Balige.

Bersama TelkomGroup, Telkomsel memastikan jaringan broadband 4G/LTE dan 5G hadir di Telkomsel tersedia secara optimal, sehingga dapat mendukung kebutuhan komunikasi serta digital activity dari para pembalap, turis mancanegara dan seluruh panitia serta pengunjung yang hadir dalam perhelatan akbar tersebut.

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General Manager Region Network Operations and Productivity Sumbagut Telkomsel, Nurdianto mengatakan, sebagai bagian dari TelkomGroup, Telkomsel menjamin kelancaran layanan broadband dan komunikasi yang handal di lokasi gelaran F1 Powerboat 2024 ini.

“Kami ingin para turis maupun pengunjung bisa mendapatkan pengalaman aktivitas digital optimal yang didukung konektivitas, ragam produk, dan layanan unggulan Telkomsel. Dengan mengandalkan pengalaman sebelumnya yang sukses mendukung berbagai perhelatan event internasional di wilayah Danau Toba, kami telah memastikan kesiapan dukungan yang lebih maksimal, khususnya dalam memberikan pengalaman terbaik bagi turis mancanegara yang datang ke Danau Toba, Sumatera Utara, baik untuk menikmati keseruan perhelatan F1 Powerboat World Championship 2024 maupun mengeksplorasi keindahan alam wilayah setempat,” sebutnya.

Untuk mendukung kelancaran akses broadband di lokasi acara, Telkomsel telah melakukan optimalisasi dan peningkatan kapasitas jaringan.

Di lokasi venue acara dan wilayah Balige sendiri, Telkomsel telah menyiapkan 18 BTS 4G/LTE dan juga 18 BTS 5G. Dalam memastikan dukungan yang lebih optimal serta mendukung aktivitas digital para pengunjung, Telkomsel juga telah menyiapkan 2 Compact Mobile BTS (Combat).

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Akses internet 5G juga dapat dilakukan di wilayah kota Balige dan Bandara Udara Silangit. Inisiatif ini merupakan wujud komitmen Telkomsel dalam melanjutkan penguatan infrastruktur dan teknologi jaringan terdepan yang sudah dihadirkan di Kawasan Danau Toba dalam mendukung kemajuan sektor pariwisatanya yang merupakan salah satu dari lima Destinasi Pariwisata Super Prioritas, sekaligus menyukseskan perhelatan event internasional F1 Powerboat World Championship 2024.

Sebagai upaya mengoptimalkan pengalaman aktivitas digital seluruh pengunjung, Telkomsel juga menghadirkan ragam program, produk, dan layanan yang dapat melengkapi sekaligus menunjang berbagai kebutuhan gaya hidup digital pelanggan selama berada di sekitar Kawasan Danau Toba.

Telkomsel telah menghadirkan booth pelayanan di sejumlah lokasi sekitar venue utama di sekitar Kawasan Balige Danau Toba, guna memastikan ketersediaan produk dan layanan unggulan, seperti Kartu Perdana Telkomsel Prabayar Tourist, paket data dan voucher fisik internet dengan harga terjangkau, isi ulang pulsa, upgrade/ganti kartu ke USIM 4G, Telkomsel Orbit, beragam layanan hiburan digital, hingga membantu kemudahan wisatawan asing yang hadir di Danau Toba untuk melakukan registrasi Telkomsel Prabayar Tourist dan aktivasi Paket RoaMAX​.

“Kami berharap seluruh pelanggan baik itu para pembalap, turis mancanegara, panitia dan seluruh pengunjung lainnya dapat menikmati layanan broadband dan aktivitas digital seperti streaming, live di media sosial, chatting dan lainnya dapat dilakukan dengan lebih maksimal serta lancar. Telkomsel berkomitmen untuk selalu memenghadirkan pengalaman digital yang optimal, sehingga dapat membuka lebih banyak peluang kemajuan di berbagai sektor, seperti pariwisata dan juga ekonomi digital masyarakat di Kawasan Danau Toba melalui pemanfaatan teknologi terdepan,” beber Nuridanto. ***

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Telkomsel: Digital access for the F1 Powerboat event on Lake Toba is guaranteed to be optimal | — Telkomsel participated in the success of the 2024 F1 Powerboat World Championship which took place from 2 – 3 March 2024 in the Lake Toba area, Balige.

Together with TelkomGroup, Telkomsel ensures that the 4G/LTE and 5G broadband network available at Telkomsel is optimally available, so that it can support the communication and digital activity needs of racers, foreign tourists and all committee members and visitors attending this grand event.

General Manager Region Network Operations and Productivity Sumbagut Telkomsel, Nurdianto said, as part of the TelkomGroup, Telkomsel guarantees smooth broadband services and reliable communications at the F1 Powerboat 2024 event location.

“We want tourists and visitors to be able to experience optimal digital activities supported by connectivity, a variety of products and Telkomsel’s superior services. By relying on previous experience in successfully supporting various international events in the Lake Toba area, we have ensured maximum support readiness, “especially in providing the best experience for foreign tourists who come to Lake Toba, North Sumatra, both to enjoy the excitement of the 2024 F1 Powerboat World Championship and to explore the natural beauty of the local area,” he said.

To support smooth broadband access at the event location, Telkomsel has optimized and increased network capacity.

At the event venue location and the Balige area itself, Telkomsel has prepared 18 4G/LTE BTS and also 18 5G BTS. To ensure more optimal support and support the digital activities of visitors, Telkomsel has also prepared 2 Compact Mobile BTS (Combat).

5G internet access can also be provided in the Balige city area and Silangit Airport. This initiative is a form of Telkomsel’s commitment to continuing to strengthen the leading infrastructure and network technology that has been provided in the Lake Toba area to support the progress of the tourism sector, which is one of the five Super Priority Tourism Destinations, as well as making the 2024 F1 Powerboat World Championship international event a success.

In an effort to optimize the digital activity experience of all visitors, Telkomsel also presents a variety of programs, products and services that can complement and support customers’ various digital lifestyle needs while they are around the Lake Toba area.

Telkomsel has presented service booths in a number of locations around the main venues around the Lake Toba Balige area, to ensure the availability of superior products and services, such as Telkomsel Prepaid Tourist Starter Cards, data packages and physical internet vouchers at affordable prices, top up credit, upgrade/replace card to USIM 4G, Telkomsel Orbit, various digital entertainment services, to help make it easier for foreign tourists who are present at Lake Toba to register for Telkomsel Prepaid Tourist and activate the RoaMAX Package.

“We hope that all customers, including racers, foreign tourists, committee members and all other visitors can enjoy broadband services and digital activities such as streaming, live on social media, chatting and others can be carried out more optimally and smoothly. “Telkomsel is committed to always providing an optimal digital experience, so that it can open up more opportunities for progress in various sectors, such as tourism and also the digital economy of communities in the Lake Toba area through the use of leading technology,” explained Nuridanto. ***


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