Harga BTC Tembus 1 Miliar Rupiah | Diprediksi Melambung Hingga 1,5 Miliar Rupiah | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Kinerja mata uang kripto terus bergejolak, tanpa terlihat adanya pembalikan tren.
Bahkan pada hari ini, Senin, 4 Maret 2024, harga Bitcoin (BTC) telah menembus level 1 miliar Rupiah, dan telah mencapai titik tertinggi baru sepanjang masa (ATH).
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Berdasarkan data Coinmarketcap, harga BTC masih $63,514 hingga Senin (04/03) pukul 11.02 WIB, naik 2,48% dalam 24 jam terakhir. Harga BTC naik 23,15% dalam satu minggu.
CEO Indodax Oscar Darmawan angkat bicara menyikapi kenaikan harga BTC beberapa waktu lalu. Ia mengatakan, salah satu pendorong harga BTC adalah kekuatan halving.
Dinamika ini diyakini berpotensi menggandakan atau bahkan melipatgandakan harga Bitcoin.
“Pada ATH 2013, setelah Bitcoin dihalving, harga Bitcoin naik lima kali lipat dari yang semula Rp 198.347 menjadi Rp 15.272.541,” jelasnya.
Selain halving, kenaikan BTC juga dipicu oleh aliran masuk ke ETF spot senilai $2,4 miliar, atau Rp37,5 triliun.
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Pembelian Bitcoin
Pembelian Bitcoin tambahan Microstrategy sebesar 3.000 BTC juga dapat meningkatkan harga. Saat ini, total kepemilikan Bitcoin MicroStrategy adalah 193,000 Bitcoin.
Oscar memperkirakan, kenaikan harga BTC akan terus berlanjut hingga ATH setelah halving tahun ini.
Puncak BTC sebelumnya terjadi pada November 2021 di level $68,789. Oleh karena itu, ia memperkirakan harga BTC tahun ini akan melebihi ATH dan mencapai Rp 1,5 miliar.
“Karena cryptocurrency baru-baru ini resmi menjadi aset investasi yang sah, dengan potensi keuntungan yang sangat besar,” imbuhnya. ***
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BTC Price Reaches 1 Billion Rupiah | Predicted to Soar to 1.5 Billion Rupiah | OBROLANBISNIS.com — The performance of cryptocurrencies continues to fluctuate, with no trend reversal in sight.
Even today, Monday, March 4 2024, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) has penetrated the 1 billion Rupiah level, and has reached a new all-time high (ATH).
Based on Coinmarketcap data, the BTC price was still $63,514 as of Monday (04/03) at 11.02 WIB, up 2.48% in the last 24 hours. BTC price rose 23.15% in one week.
Indodax CEO Oscar Darmawan spoke out regarding the increase in BTC prices some time ago. He said, one of the drivers of BTC prices is the power of the halving.
This dynamic is believed to have the potential to double or even triple the price of Bitcoin.
“At ATH 2013, after Bitcoin was halved, the price of Bitcoin increased fivefold from IDR 198,347 to IDR 15,272,541,” he explained.
Apart from the halving, the increase in BTC was also triggered by inflows into spot ETFs worth $2.4 billion, or IDR 37.5 trillion.
Bitcoin Purchase
Microstrategy’s additional Bitcoin purchase of 3,000 BTC could also increase the price. Currently, MicroStrategy’s total Bitcoin holdings are 193,000 Bitcoins.
Oscar estimates that the increase in BTC prices will continue until ATH after this year’s halving.
BTC’s previous peak occurred in November 2021 at $68,789. Therefore, he estimates that the BTC price this year will exceed the ATH and reach IDR 1.5 billion.
“Because cryptocurrency has recently officially become a legal investment asset, with the potential for enormous profits,” he added. ***