Apindo dan Institut Bisnis IT&B Kolaborasi Majukan Dunia Pendidikan | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo) bersama Institut Bisnis IT&B berkolaborasi memajukan dunia pendidikan di Kota Medan melalui suksesi program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM).
Dalam pertemuan antara Apindo dan civitas Institut Bisnis IT&B yang berlangsung Jumat, 22 Maret 2024, terekspos pembahasan kolaborasi MBKM magang di Jepang bagi mahasiswa Institut Bisnis IT&B dan juga kolaborasi kerjasama Pascasarjana.
REKOMENDASI: Sambut Ramadan 1445 H | Astra Daihatsu Tawarkan Sahabat Daihatsu Nikmati Promo Menarik
“Pertemuan silaturahmi Institut Bisnis IT&B dan pengurus Apindo Sumut berjalan dengan baik. Kedua lembaga sepakat untuk berperan aktif memajukan mutu pendidikan tanah air. Salah satu peran penting itu adalah mengembangkan program MBKM yang telah dicanangkan pemerintah,” ucap Dr Agus Susanto Tan, Managing Director Institut Bisnis IT&B, ketika dihubungi, Sabtu, 23 Maret 2024.
Dr Agus membeberkan, dalam meeting tersebut dihadiri Sekjen Apindo Sumut, Endy Kartono, SE BBA; pengurus Apindo Sumut diantaranya Bahari, SH, Andy Chen, Nicholas Sutrisman SH, MH dan Ricky. Sementara dari civitas Institut Bisnis IT&B dihadiri Dr Elyzabeth Wijaya.
Ia berharap, melalui kolaborasi antara Apindo dan Institut Bisnis IT&B dapat mendorong mahasiswa memperoleh pengalaman belajar dan praktek kerja di luar kampus terkhususnya pengalaman kerja di luar negeri (Jepang). ***
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Apindo and the IT&B Business Institute Collaborate to Advance the World of Education | OBROLANBISNIS.com — The Indonesian Entrepreneurs Association (Apindo) together with the IT&B Business Institute are collaborating to advance the world of education in Medan City through the succession of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program.
In the meeting between Apindo and the IT&B Business Institute community which took place on Friday, March 22 2024, there was a discussion of MBKM internship collaboration in Japan for IT&B Business Institute students and also postgraduate collaboration.
“The friendly meeting between the IT&B Business Institute and the management of Apindo North Sumatra went well. Both institutions agreed to play an active role in advancing the quality of education in the country. One of the important roles is developing the MBKM program which has been launched by the government,” said Dr Agus Susanto Tan, Managing Director of the Institute IT&B Business, when contacted, Saturday, March 23 2024.
Dr Agus explained that the meeting was attended by the Secretary General of Apindo North Sumatra, Endy Kartono, SE BBA; The management of Apindo North Sumatra include Bahari, SH, Andy Chen, Nicholas Sutrisman SH, MH and Ricky. Meanwhile, the IT&B Business Institute community was attended by Dr Elyzabeth Wijaya.
He hopes that through collaboration between Apindo and the IT&B Business Institute, students can gain learning experience and work practice outside campus, especially work experience abroad (Japan). ***