Pertamina Patra Niaga Bersama Kementerian ESDM Cek Takaran Hingga Pendistribusian ‘Tabung Melon’ di Wilayah Sumbagut

Pertamina Patra Niaga Bersama Kementerian ESDM Cek Takaran Hingga Pendistribusian Tabung Melon di Wilayah Sumbagut

Pertamina Patra Niaga Bersama Kementerian ESDM Cek Takaran Hingga Pendistribusian ‘Tabung Melon’ di Wilayah Sumbagut | — PT Pertamina Patra Niaga bersama Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) melakukan inspeksi mendadak (sidak) di SPPBE PT. Petro Gasindo Energy di Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Selasa, 28 Mei 2024.

Peninjauan layanan LPG 3 kg di lokasi tersebut berfokus pada konsistensi takaran setiap pengisian ‘tabung melon’. 

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“Pertamina Patra Niaga akan terus meningkatkan sinergi bersama Kementerian ESDM tidak hanya dalam pengawasan, namun juga pemutakhiran sistem agar penyaluran LPG 3 kg berjalan dengan baik mulai pengisian di SPPBE hingga ke masyarakat,” ujar Direktur Pemasaran Regional Pertamina Patra Niaga, Mars Ega Legowo.

Pada kesempatan ini, ia melakukan pengambilan sampling langsung terhadap hasil pengisian di area filling hall dan didapati berat tabung kosong yang mayoritas normal pada rentang 4,97 kg hingga 5 kg per tabung dengan final gross weight yang normal sekitar 7,97 kg hingga 8,03 kg per tabung.

“Melalui kegiatan ini, kami ingin memastikan bahwa masyarakat menerima LPG 3 kilogram sesuai dengan takaran. Kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan layanan terbaik kepada masyarakat,” ujar Mars Ega.

Turut hadir dalam sidak tersebut, Senior Vice President Government Program Management PT Pertamina (Persero) Aris Mulya Azof, Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hilir Migas Kementerian ESDM, Mustika Pertiwi, Koordinator Subsidi Bahan Bakar Migas, Christina Meiwati Sinaga, dan Pjs Executive General Manager (EGM) Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagut, Tiara Thesaufi.

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Selain sidak ke SPPBE, Direksi Pertamina Patra Niaga bersama Kementerian ESDM, OPD Pemko Medan, dan Hiswana Migas DPC Sumatera Utara (Sumut) juga melakukan sidak penggunaan LPG ke sejumlah hotel, restoran, dan kafe (Horeka) di Medan. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengawasi penggunaan LPG bersubsidi agar tepat sasaran.

Pjs EGM Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagut, Tiara Thesaufy mengatakan, dari sidak tersebut, tim sidak mengunjungi empat lokasi hotel, restoran, dan kafe. Dari empat lokasi tersebut, tidak ditemukan penggunaan LPG 3 kg.

“Dua hotel di Medan menggunakan jaringan gas (jargas) sebagai energi utama dan hotel tersebut juga menggunakan LPG 12 kg dan LPG 50 kg sebagai alternatif energi. Sedangkan dua restauran atau kafe lainnya juga menggunakan LPG 12 kg dan LPG 50 kg sebagai energi utama,” ujar Tiara.

Ia menjelaskan, salah satu restaurant tersebut menggunakan LPG 12 kg dengan harga wajar sebesar Rp191 ribu dari supplier agen resmi PT Haki Jaya Gasindo. Resto tersebut dapat mengonsumsi sebanyak 240 tabung per bulan.

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“Kami menggucapkan terima kasih kepada pelaku usaha restoran yang telah menggunakan Bright Gas Pertamina. Kami juga mengajak masyarakat untuk terus mengawasi pendistribusian LPG bersubsidi yang beredar agar distribusi LPG subsidi tersebut digunakan oleh yang berhak,” kata Tiara.

Apabila masyarakat membutuhkan informasi terkait produk dan layanan Pertamina serta subsidi tepat, dapat menghubungi Pertamina Call Center 135. ***

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Pertamina Patra Niaga Together with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Check Measures and Distribution of ‘Melon Tubes’ in the Sumbagut Region | — PT Pertamina Patra Niaga together with the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) carried out a surprise inspection (sidak) at SPPBE PT. Petro Gasindo Energy in Deli Serdang Regency, Tuesday, May 28 2024.

The review of the 3 kg LPG service at this location focused on the consistency of the dosage for each 3 kg LPG cylinder filling.

“Pertamina Patra Niaga will continue to increase synergy with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, not only in monitoring, but also updating the system so that the distribution of 3 kg LPG runs smoothly from filling at SPPBE to the community,” said Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Marketing Director, Mars Ega Legowo.

On this occasion, he carried out direct sampling of the filling results in the filling hall area and found that the majority of empty tube weights were normal in the range of 4.97 kg to 5 kg per tube with a normal final gross weight of around 7.97 kg to 8.03 kg per tube.

“Through this activity, we want to ensure that the community receives 3 kilograms of LPG according to the dosage. We are committed to providing the best service to the community,” said Mars Ega.

Also present at the inspection were PT Pertamina (Persero) Senior Vice President Government Program Management Aris Mulya Azof, Director of Downstream Oil and Gas Business Development at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Mustika Pertiwi, Oil and Gas Fuel Subsidy Coordinator, Christina Meiwati Sinaga, and Acting Executive General Manager (EGM) Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagut, Tiara Thesaufi.

Apart from inspecting SPPBE, the Directors of Pertamina Patra Niaga together with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, OPD Pemko Medan, and Hiswana Migas DPC North Sumatra (North Sumatra) also carried out inspections on the use of LPG at a number of hotels, restaurants and cafes (Horeka) in Medan. This is done to monitor the use of subsidized LPG so that it is right on target.

Acting EGM Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagut, Tiara Thesaufy said, from the inspection, the inspection team visited four hotel, restaurant and cafe locations. Of these four locations, no use of 3 kg LPG was found.

“Two hotels in Medan use the gas network (jargas) as the main energy and the hotel also uses 12 kg LPG and 50 kg LPG as alternative energy. Meanwhile, two other restaurants or cafes also use 12 kg LPG and 50 kg LPG as the main energy,” said Tiara.

He explained that one of the restaurants uses 12 kg LPG at a reasonable price of IDR 191 thousand from the official supplier agent PT Haki Jaya Gasindo. The restaurant can consume as many as 240 tubes per month.

“We would like to thank restaurant businesses who have used Bright Gas Pertamina. We also invite the public to continue to monitor the distribution of subsidized LPG in circulation so that the distribution of subsidized LPG is used by those who are entitled to it,” said Tiara.

If the public needs information regarding Pertamina products and services as well as appropriate subsidies, they can contact Pertamina Call Center 135. ***


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