Telkomsel Hadirkan UKM Unggulan se-Indonesia | — Dalam komitmen meningkatkan potensi ekonomi digital Indonesia melalui kapabilitas digital UKM, Telkomsel menggelar DCE Summit 2024 dengan tema ‘Accelerating SME Growth Thru Digital Skills’ di Bandung (4/7/2024).
Sebagai puncak dari Program Digital Creative Entrepreneurs (DCE) ketiga yang digelar sejak Desember 2023, DCE Summit 2024 menghadirkan sejumlah UKM unggulan dari kalangan pelaku usaha dan pemilik jenama lokal se-Indonesia untuk berbagi pengalaman tentang program akselerasi UKM dan pemanfaatan digital bersama alumni, ahli, dan mentor di bidang UKM.
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Saki H. Bramono, VP Corporate Communications & Social Responsibility Telkomsel mengatakan, DCE Summit 2024 fokus memberikan solusi untuk meningkatkan kapabilitas, kompetensi, dan kreativitas para pelaku usaha serta pemilik jenama lokal se-Indonesia.
Inisiatif ini sejalan dengan komitmen Telkomsel dalam menciptakan dampak sosial melalui praktik bisnis berkelanjutan yang mengedepankan prinsip Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG).
Melalui Program DCE secara keseluruhan, Telkomsel berbagi pengetahuan dan keterampilan digital sesuai kebutuhan UKM untuk meningkatkan daya saing dan mengoptimalkan potensi bisnis dengan pemanfaatan teknologi digital.
Adapun sejak Desember 2023 di Program DCE tahun ketiga, total sebanyak 2.102 UKM melakukan pendaftaran, 300 UKM terpilih berpartisipasi dalam sesi Onboarding ke ekosistem pengembangan UKM digital Telkomsel, dan 32 peserta mengikuti sesi Pitching Tracks di sejumlah kategori.
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Selanjutnya, 12 UKM unggulan di kategori F&B (Quinn Kitchenz, Rendang Sulaiman, Oh My Gethuk), Fashion (Doyle, Upject, Indri Boutique), Craft (Rajoet Gawenan, Saadi Ganoor, D’Arum), dan Personal Care (Adeos Odor, Empiris Herbal, Nasho), terpilih untuk mengikuti sesi Academy dan Mentoring secara online sejak bulan Mei 2024.
Pada 2-3 Juli 2024 di Bandung, keduabelas peserta berkumpul secara offline menjalani agenda Bootcamp bersama para ahli di bidang UKM, Live Shopping untuk memperluas awareness produk dan jenama peserta, dan Final Pitch memperebutkan gelar UKM terbaik DCE 3.0.
Pada akhir tahap Final Pitch di DCE Summit 2024, UKM dengan produk kuliner tradisional Gethuk yang berbahan dasar singkong dari Malang, Jawa Timur, yakni Oh My Gethuk, dinilai telah mengalami perkembangan dan pencapaian paling signifikan sepanjang periode program.
Menampilkan presentasi terbaiknya di Final Pitch, Oh My Gethuk yang didirikan oleh Diva Velda berhak mendapatkan gelar Best of The Best of 3rd DCE.
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“Selamat atas terpilihnya Oh My Gethuk sebagai UKM terbaik di DCE tahun ketiga. Semoga jenama dan bisnis digital yang telah bertumbuh bersama DCE dan rekan-rekan peserta lainnya dapat terus serentak berkembang berikan dampak positif bagi masyarakat Indonesia,” ucap Saki
Ke depan, Telkomsel melalui program SME impact accelerator DCE akan terus hadir mendorong perkembangan UKM dan konsisten berupaya menghadirkan bantuan dan pendampingan yang sesuai kebutuhan, seperti melalui rangkaian program pelatihan, pendanaan, hingga akses ke pasar, supplier, dan ekosistem digital Telkomsel.
Sejak peluncurannya pada 2021, Program DCE telah mendukung lebih dari 2.500 UKM lokal dan mencetak hingga 350 UKM unggulan. Sebagai SME impact accelerator dari Telkomsel, Program DCE dirancang untuk meningkatkan kapabilitas digital UKM, mendorong inovasi, dan memperkuat daya saing mereka sebagai salah satu roda penggerak utama kemajuan ekonomi nasional.
Informasi selengkapnya tentang Program DCE dapat diakses melalui laman dan media sosial @dce_id. ***
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Telkomsel Presents Leading SMEs throughout Indonesia | — In its commitment to increasing the potential of Indonesia’s digital economy through SME digital capabilities, Telkomsel held the DCE Summit 2024 with the theme ‘Accelerating SME Growth Thru Digital Skills’ in Bandung (4/7/2024).
As the culmination of the third Digital Creative Entrepreneurs (DCE) Program which will be held since December 2023, the DCE Summit 2024 presents a number of leading SMEs from business actors and local brand owners throughout Indonesia to share experiences regarding the SME acceleration program and digital utilization with alumni, experts, and mentor in the SME sector.
Saki H. Bramono, VP Corporate Communications & Social Responsibility Telkomsel said, DCE Summit 2024 focuses on providing solutions to increase the capabilities, competencies and creativity of business actors and local brand owners throughout Indonesia.
This initiative is in line with Telkomsel’s commitment to creating social impact through sustainable business practices that prioritize Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles.
Through the DCE Program as a whole, Telkomsel shares digital knowledge and skills according to the needs of SMEs to increase competitiveness and optimize business potential by utilizing digital technology.
Meanwhile, since December 2023 in the third year of the DCE Program, a total of 2,102 SMEs have registered, 300 SMEs were selected to participate in the Onboarding session to Telkomsel’s digital SME development ecosystem, and 32 participants took part in the Pitching Tracks session in a number of categories.
Furthermore, 12 leading SMEs in the F&B categories (Quinn Kitchenz, Rendang Sulaiman, Oh My Gethuk), Fashion (Doyle, Upject, Indri Boutique), Craft (Rajoet Gawenan, Saadi Ganoor, D’Arum), and Personal Care (Adeos Odor, Empirical Herbal, Nasho), was selected to take part in online Academy and Mentoring sessions starting May 2024.
On July 2-3 2024 in Bandung, the twelve participants gathered offline to undergo a Bootcamp agenda with experts in the SME sector, Live Shopping to expand awareness of participants’ products and brands, and Final Pitch to win the title of best UKM DCE 3.0.
At the end of the Final Pitch stage at the DCE Summit 2024, UKM with traditional Gethuk culinary products made from cassava from Malang, East Java, namely Oh My Gethuk, was assessed as having experienced the most significant development and achievements throughout the program period.
Showing its best presentation at the Final Pitch, Oh My Gethuk, founded by Diva Velda, was entitled to the Best of The Best of 3rd DCE title.
“Congratulations on being selected by Oh My Gethuk as the best UKM at DCE for the third year. Hopefully the digital brands and businesses that have grown together with DCE and other fellow participants can continue to develop simultaneously and have a positive impact on Indonesian society,” said Saki
In the future, Telkomsel, through the SME impact accelerator DCE program, will continue to be present to encourage the development of SMEs and consistently strive to provide assistance and assistance according to needs, such as through a series of training programs, funding, and access to markets, suppliers and Telkomsel’s digital ecosystem.
Since its launch in 2021, the DCE Program has supported more than 2,500 local SMEs and produced up to 350 superior SMEs. As Telkomsel’s SME impact accelerator, the DCE Program is designed to increase the digital capabilities of SMEs, encourage innovation, and strengthen their competitiveness as one of the main drivers of national economic progress.
Complete information about the DCE Program can be accessed via the page and social media @dce_id. ***