Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Gandeng Lions Club Alumni Husni Thamrin dan KMB USU Adakan Pemeriksaan Kesehatan dan Pengobatan Gratis • — Dalam rangka memeriahkan Hari Jadi Kota Medan ke 434 tahun, Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Medan dengan menggandeng Lions Club Medan Alumni Husni Thamrin dan Keluarga Mahasiswa Buddhis (KMB) USU mengadakan bakti sosial, Minggu, 14 Juli 2024.
Kegiatan bakti sosial berupa pemeriksaan dan pengobatan gratis serta bantuan sembako berlangsung di Gedung GBI, Jalan Subroto, dihadiri Ketua Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Medan, Dr Agus Susanto; Presiden Lions Club Medan Alumni Husni Thamrin, Feni; dan perwakilan Keluarga Mahasiswa Buddhis USU, drg Martyn; serta Pendeta Darmo; Ketua Panitia Yanti.
REKOMENDASI: Martono Anggusti: Hidup Ini Adalah Kesempatan
Masyarakat sekitar Gedung GBI sangat antusias mendaftar dan mengantri untuk mendapatkan pemeriksaan kesehatan dan pengobatan gratis serta bantuan sembako dari tiga lembaga sosial tersebut (Teochew – Lions – KMB).
Tercatat ratusan orang meramaikan lokasi kegiatan bakti sosial. “Ada sekitar 100 orang masyarakat pra sejahtera yang kami layani untuk mendapatkan pemeriksaan kesehatan dan pengobatan gratis serta bantuan sembako,” ucap Ketua Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Medan, Dr Agus Susanto Tan.
Kolaborasi dengan Lions Club Medan Alumni Husni Thamrin dan Keluarga Mahasiswa Buddhis USU tetap berlanjut melalui berbagai kegiatan kemanusian.
“Ini adalah bukti sumbangsih dan kepedulian Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Medan bekerjasama dengan Lions Club Medan Alumni Husni Thamrin dan Keluarga Mahasiswa Buddhis USU, dalam menyemarakkan Hari Jadi Kota Medan ke 434 tahun,” ucap Dr Agus Susanto Tan.
REKOMENDASI: Bincang UMKM Bersama Pegadaian | Dr Nining Beberkan Kiat Sukses UMKM Berkembang dan Berjaya
Pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis yang diberikan berupa cek tensi, gula darah, kolesterol, kesehatan gigi dan lainnya. Sementara bantuan paket sembako yang diberikan adalah beras, gula, minyak goreng, mie instan, snack dan lainnya.
“Semoga bantuan ini dapat memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat pra sejahtera, baik di sisi kesehatan yang lebih baik dan membantu meringankan beban ekonomi keluarga,” sebut Presiden Lions Club Medan Alumni Husni Thamrin, Feni. ***
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United Teochew Association Collaborates with Lions Club Alumni Husni Thamrin and KMB USU to Hold Free Health Checks and Treatment • — In order to celebrate the 434th anniversary of Medan City, the Medan United Teochew Association collaborates with Lions Club Medan Alumni Husni Thamrin and Student Families USU Buddhists (KMB) held a social service, Sunday, July 14 2024.
Social service activities in the form of free examinations and treatment as well as basic food assistance took place at the GBI Building, Jalan Subroto, attended by the Chairman of the Medan United Teochew Association, Dr Agus Susanto; President of Lions Club Medan Alumni Husni Thamrin, Feni; And
representative of the USU Buddhist Student Family, Drg Martyn; and Pastor Darmo; Chairman of the Yanti Committee.
The community around the GBI Building was very enthusiastic about registering and queuing to get free health checks and treatment as well as basic food assistance from the three social institutions (Teochew – Lions – KMB).
It was recorded that hundreds of people enlivened the location of the social service activities. “We serve around 100 underprivileged people who receive free health checks and treatment as well as basic food assistance,” said the Chairman of the Medan United Teochew Association, Dr Agus Susanto Tan.
Collaboration with Lions Club Medan Alumni Husni Thamrin and the USU Buddhist Student Family continues through various humanitarian activities.
“This is proof of the contribution and concern of the Medan United Teochew Association in collaboration with the Medan Lions Club Alumni Husni Thamrin and the USU Buddhist Student Family, in celebrating the 434th anniversary of the City of Medan,” said Dr Agus Susanto Tan.
The free health checks provided include checking blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, dental health and others. Meanwhile, the basic food packages provided include rice, sugar, cooking oil, instant noodles, snacks and others.
“Hopefully this assistance can provide benefits to underprivileged communities, both in terms of better health and helping ease the economic burden on families,” said President of the Lions Club Medan Alumni Husni Thamrin, Feni. ***