Serah Terima Jabatan Pengurus Baru Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Sumut Periode 2024-2027

Serah Terima Jabatan Pengurus Baru Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Sumut Periode 2024-2027

Serah Terima Jabatan Pengurus Baru Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Sumut Periode 2024-2027 • — Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Sumatera Utara melakukan perombakan kepengurusan. Dalam musyawarah Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Sumatera Utara terpilih Juswan Joe sebagai Ketua baru untuk periode 2024-2027.

Jabatan Ketua Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Sumatera Utara pun diserahterimakan dari Kahar Wirianto kepada Juswan Joe, yang disaksikan seluruh pengurus Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Sumatera Utara, berlangsung di Yayasan Tiochiu Sumut, Rabu, 21 Agustus 2024.

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Kahar Wirianto dalam sambutannya memaparkan sejumlah program Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Sumatera Utara yang sudah berjalan selama periode kepengurusannya.

Dari tahun 2021-2024, dikatakannya kegiatan rutin berjalan dengan baik, seperti perayaan Imlek, Festival Bakcang, donor darah, bedah rumah, Moon Cake Festival, Baksos dan lainnya.

Sementara itu, Ketua terpilih Juswan Joe menyampaikan, semoga Perkumpulan Teochew bisa menjadi rumah bagi suku Teochew di Sumut.

Serah Terima Jabatan Pengurus Baru Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Sumut Periode 2024-2027

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Perkumpulan Teo Chew Bersatu, kata Juswan Joe, juga dibentuk untuk wadah berbagi. Agar tidak saling melupakan sesama suku Teo Chew.

Berbagi dalam bentuk bantuan pendidikan juga sebelumnya telah berjalan. Harapannya kedepan jumlah yang telah diberikan selama ini bisa bertambah.

“Berorganisasi di sini untuk mencari persahabatan, menjalin kebersamaan bukan permusuhan,” ungkapnya.

Acara Serah terima jabatan tersebut turut dihadiri Pengurus lainnya, seperti Dr Martono Anggusti, Mily, Hasan Basri Halim, Jacob Lie, Edhie Suwidar, Amrin Susilo Halim, Dr Agus Susanto Tan dan pengurus lainnya. ***

google translate

Handover of New Management of the North Sumatra United Teochew Association for the 2024-2027 Period • — The North Sumatra United Teochew Association has reshuffled its management. In the North Sumatra United Teochew Association deliberation, Juswan Joe was elected as the new Chairman for the 2024-2027 period.

The position of Chairman of the North Sumatra United Teochew Association was also handed over from Kahar Wirianto to Juswan Joe, witnessed by all the management of the North Sumatra United Teochew Association, taking place at the North Sumatra Tiochiu Foundation, Wednesday, August 21, 2024.

Kahar Wirianto in his speech explained a number of programs of the North Sumatra United Teochew Association that have been running during his management period.

From 2021-2024, he said that routine activities were running well, such as Chinese New Year celebrations, Bakcang Festival, blood donation, house renovation, Moon Cake Festival, Baksos and others.

Meanwhile, the elected Chairman Juswan Joe said, hopefully the Teochew Association can be a home for the Teochew tribe in North Sumatra.

“There are still many of our brothers and sisters who do not know and are not aware of the existence of the Teochew association. This is what we need to echo together so that our brothers and sisters can join,” he said.

The Teo Chew Bersatu Association, said Juswan Joe, was also formed as a forum for sharing. So that they do not forget each other as fellow Teo Chew tribesmen.

Sharing in the form of educational assistance has also been running before. The hope is that in the future the amount that has been given so far can increase.

“Organizing here is to seek friendship, to establish togetherness, not hostility,” he said.

The handover ceremony was also attended by other administrators, such as Dr. Martono Anggusti, Mily, Hasan Basri Halim, Jacob Lie, Edhie Suwidar, Amrin Susilo Halim, Dr. Agus Susanto Tan and other administrators. ***


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