Telkomsel Lakukan Penambahan Jaringan 5G di Lokasi Strategis PON XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024

Telkomsel Adds 5G Network at Strategic Locations for PON XXI Aceh-North Sumatra 2024

Telkomsel Lakukan Penambahan Jaringan 5G di Lokasi Strategis PON XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024 • — Telkomsel, sebagai penyedia layanan telekomunikasi digital terdepan di Indonesia, mendukung penuh kesuksesan event bersejarah Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024.

Perhelatan olahraga terbesar di Indonesia ini akan berlangsung pada 9-20 September 2024, dengan melibatkan ribuan atlet, official, volunteer, serta pengunjung dari seluruh Indonesia.

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Untuk memastikan kelancaran komunikasi dan memberikan pengalaman digital terbaik selama PON XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024, Telkomsel telah melakukan berbagai upaya penguatan dan optimalisasi kapasitas serta kualitas jaringan di seluruh venue utama dan pendukung acara.

Langkah ini meliputi penyediaan tambahan jaringan 5G di 12 lokasi strategis penyelenggaraan acara, pengoptimalan jaringan 4G di 257 site eksisting, hingga pemasangan 14-unit Compact Mobile BTS (COMBAT).

Semua upaya ini dilakukan untuk memberikan pengalaman konektivitas berkecepatan tinggi yang andal bagi seluruh peserta, termasuk di lokasi-lokasi penting seperti Stadion Harapan Bangsa Banda Aceh, Sumut Sport Center, wisma atlet, bandara, tempat penginapan, media center dan area strategis lainnya.

Direktur Network Telkomsel, Indra Mardiatna mengatakan, Telkomsel berkomitmen untuk terus menjadi yang terdepan dalam menyediakan solusi dan layanan telekomunikasi digital yang dapat mendukung berbagai acara kenegaraan tingkat nasional dan internasional.

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“Seluruh kesiapan infrastruktur, termasuk kehadiran jaringan 5G terkini kami di PON XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024 merupakan bagian dari upaya dan semangat kami yang terinspirasi oleh semangat Indonesia untuk menggerakan kemajuan dengan memastikan kelancaran komunikasi dan pengalaman digital terbaik bagi seluruh peserta,” ungkapnya

Telkomsel berharap, dukungan layanan telekomunikasi yang dihadirkan dapat menyuksesksesan penyelanggaraan PON XXI, sekaligus mendorong pemanfaatan teknologi terkini 5G yang lebih luas bagi seluruh pelanggan dan masyarakat di Aceh dan Sumut.

Telkomsel Adds 5G Network at Strategic Locations for PON XXI Aceh-North Sumatra 2024
Telkomsel juga menyiapkan berbagai produk dan layanan pelanggan untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan komunikasi para atlet, official, volunteer, serta pengunjung yang dapat ditemukan di berbagai lokasi, seperti pusat layanan di Media Center Hotel Hermes Aceh dan Hotel Santika Dyandra Medan, 12 GraPARI yang tersebar di berbagai lokasi Aceh dan Sumatera Utara, 31 booth layanan di berbagai lokasi seperti pusat perbelanjaan, area penginapan, terminal transportasi darat dan bandara, termasuk venue utama seperti Stadion Harapan Bangsa Banda Aceh dan Stadion Gelora Batang Kuis, hingga bekerjasama dengan mitra outlet resmi Telkomsel yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Aceh dan Sumatera Utara yang siap melayani pembelian pulsa, paket data, eSIM, registrasi kartu, pembelian modem Orbit, pemasangan IndiHome, serta aktivasi eSIM dan layanan 5G.

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“Seluruh titik layanan ini dirancang untuk memastikan kemudahan akses dan kenyamanan komunikasi bagi seluruh peserta dan pengunjung,” sebut Vice President Consumer Business Area Sumatera Telkomsel Mulya Budiman.

Mulya menambahkan, Telkomsel juga menghadirkan berbagai keseruan serta activity menarik di booth Telkomsel selama PON berlangsung, seperti tukar POIN dengan berbagai merchandise special, lucky draw dengan berbagai hadiah menarik untuk setiap pembelian produk dan layanan Telkomsel serta program lainnya.

“Selain itu, ada juga paket bundling smartphone 5G dengan diskon menarik khusus di booth Telkomsel yanga da di Stadion Harapan Bangsa Aceh dan juga Sumut Sport Center,” ucapnya.

Selain itu, Telkomsel juga menghadirkan berbagai penawaran khusus selama perhelatan PON XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024. Pelanggan dapat memanfaatkan Surprise Deal PON XXI yang menawarkan paket data hingga 25 GB selama tujuh hari dengan harga spesial pada tanggal 7-8 September dan 20-21 September.

Penawaran ini hanya berlaku di lokasi penyelenggaraan PON XXI Aceh-Sumut dan tersedia melalui aplikasi MyTelkomsel dan di outlet-outlet terdekat.

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Telkomsel juga menawarkan Paket Jelajah Spesial PON seharga Rp 5.000 untuk akses 50 GB selama satu hari yang bisa dibeli saat pelanggan berada di Stadion Harapan Bangsa Banda Aceh dan Sumut Sport Center.

“Paket tersebut dihadirkan Telkomsel, untuk memastikan peserta dan pengunjung tetap terhubung di media sosial selama acara berlangsung,” katanya.

Tidak hanya itu, terdapat juga Kartu Perdana Spesial PON XXI dengan tambahkan kuota hingga 3GB untuk mengakses ragam platform layanan hiburan digital.

Kartu Perdana tersebut dapat diperoleh di Booth Telkomsel selama PON atau outlet-outlet terdekat di 20 kota yang menjadi venue PON di Sumatera Utara dan Aceh.

“Seluruh penawaran ini dirancang untuk memberikan nilai tambah dan kenyamanan komunikasi bagi seluruh peserta dan pengunjung PON XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024,” jelas Mulya. ***

google translate

Telkomsel Adds 5G Network at Strategic Locations of PON XXI Aceh-North Sumatra 2024 • — Telkomsel, as the leading digital telecommunications service provider in Indonesia, fully supports the success of the historic event of the 21st National Sports Week (PON) in Aceh-North Sumatra 2024.

The largest sporting event in Indonesia will take place on 9-20 September 2024, involving thousands of athletes, officials, volunteers, and visitors from all over Indonesia.

To ensure smooth communication and provide the best digital experience during the 21st National Sports Week in Aceh-North Sumatra 2024, Telkomsel has made various efforts to strengthen and optimize the capacity and quality of the network in all main and supporting venues of the event.

This step includes providing additional 5G networks in 12 strategic locations for the event, optimizing the 4G network in 257 existing sites, and installing 14 Compact Mobile BTS (COMBAT) units.

All these efforts are made to provide a reliable high-speed connectivity experience for all participants, including at important locations such as Harapan Bangsa Stadium Banda Aceh, Sumut Sport Center, athlete’s dormitory, airport, lodging, media center and other strategic areas.

Telkomsel Network Director, Indra Mardiatna said, Telkomsel is committed to continuing to be at the forefront of providing digital telecommunication solutions and services that can support various national and international state events.

“All infrastructure readiness, including the presence of our latest 5G network at PON XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024 is part of our efforts and enthusiasm inspired by Indonesia’s spirit to drive progress by ensuring smooth communication and the best digital experience for all participants,” he said

Telkomsel hopes that the support for telecommunication services provided can make the implementation of PON XXI a success, while encouraging the use of the latest 5G technology more widely for all customers and the community in Aceh and North Sumatra.

Telkomsel also prepares various products and customer services to accommodate the communication needs of athletes, officials, volunteers, and visitors that can be found in various locations, such as service centers at the Media Center Hotel Hermes Aceh and Hotel Santika Dyandra Medan, 12 GraPARI spread across various locations in Aceh and North Sumatra, 31 service booths in various locations such as shopping centers, accommodation areas, land transportation terminals and airports, including main venues such as Harapan Bangsa Stadium Banda Aceh and Gelora Batang Kuis Stadium, to collaborating with official Telkomsel outlet partners spread throughout Aceh and North Sumatra who are ready to serve credit purchases, data packages, eSIM, card registration, Orbit modem purchases, IndiHome installation, and eSIM activation and 5G services.

“All of these service points are designed to ensure easy access and comfortable communication for all participants and visitors,” said Vice President of Consumer Business Area Sumatera Telkomsel Mulya Budiman.

Mulya added, Telkomsel also presents various excitement and interesting activities at the Telkomsel booth during PON, such as exchanging POINTS with various special merchandise, lucky draws with various attractive prizes for every purchase of Telkomsel products and services and other programs. “In addition, there is also a 5G smartphone bundling package with attractive discounts specifically at the Telkomsel booth at the Harapan Bangsa Stadium in Aceh and also the Sumut Sport Center,” he said.

In addition, Telkomsel also presents various special offers during the PON XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024 event. Customers can take advantage of the PON XXI Surprise Deal which offers data packages of up to 25 GB for seven days at special prices on September 7-8 and September 20-21.

This offer is only valid at the location of the PON XXI Aceh-Sumut event and is available through the MyTelkomsel application and at the nearest outlets.

Telkomsel also offers a PON Special Roaming Package for IDR 5,000 for 50 GB access for one day which can be purchased when customers are at the Harapan Bangsa Stadium in Banda Aceh and the Sumut Sport Center.

“The package is presented by Telkomsel to ensure that participants and visitors remain connected on social media during the event,” he said.

Not only that, there is also a Special PON XXI Starter Card with an additional quota of up to 3GB to access various digital entertainment service platforms.

The Starter Card can be obtained at the Telkomsel Booth during PON or the nearest outlets in 20 cities that are PON venues in North Sumatra and Aceh.

“All of these offers are designed to provide added value and communication convenience for all participants and visitors to PON XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024,” explained Mulya. ***


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