Trafik Broadband 5G Telkomsel Tumbuh 340 Persen Selama Gelaran PON XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024

Trafik Broadband 5G Telkomsel Tumbuh 340 Persen Selama Gelaran PON XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024 • — Telkomsel sukses dalam mendukung kelancaran aktivitas digital masyarakat dan pengunjung selama perhelatan Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024 yang berlangsung pada 9-20 September 2024.

Selama gelaran PON XXI yang merupakan ajang olahraga terbesar di Indonesia tersebut, trafik broadband 5G Telkomsel melonjak hingga mencapai lebih dari 340 persen dibandingkan hari biasa. Sementara itu, layanan data jaringan lainnya, tercatat lonjakan trafik payload mencapai lebih dari 11.20 persen.

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Kenaikan signifikan trafik layanan data ini mencerminkan komitmen Telkomsel untuk terus menghadirkan konektivitas digital dengan teknologi terkini.

Komitmen ini diwujudkan melalui penambahan jaringan 5G di 12 lokasi strategis penyelenggaraan PON XXI, pengoptimalan jaringan 4G di 257 site eksisting, serta pemasangan 14-unit Compact Mobile BTS (COMBAT).

Melalui upaya ini, Telkomsel tidak hanya mempermudah akses digital, tetapi juga memastikan pengalaman komunikasi terbaik bagi seluruh peserta, atlet, official, volunteer, hingga pengunjung di berbagai lokasi penyelenggaraan PON XXI.

Selama periode ajang olahraga terbesar tersebut berlangsung, lonjakan trafik data tertinggi tercatat di area Dinas Pemuda dan Olahraga Provinsi Sumatera Utara (GOR DISPORASU) Deli Serdang, yang mengalami peningkatan lebih dari 45,20 persen tempat pelaksanaan cabang olahraga Bulu Tangkis, Bola Basket, Futsal, Sepak Bola Putri dan lainnya.

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Selain itu, lonjakan trafik data juga terjadi di SPORT Center Universitas Syiah Kuala Aceh, dengan peningkatan sebesar 42,60 persen, yang menjadi lokasi pelaksanaan cabang olahraga Baseball, Judo, Petanque dan Rugby.

Vice President Area Network Operations Sumatera Telkomsel, Nugroho Adi Wibowo menyampaikan, Telkomsel bangga dapat berkontribusi dalam mendukung kesuksesan penyelenggaraan PON XXI Aceh Sumut 2024 dengan menghadirkan layanan konektivitas digital terbaik.

“Hal ini sejalan dengan visi dan misi kami untuk memberdayakan masyarakat Indonesia melalui penyediaan layanan telekomunikasi digital yang unggul, serta terinspirasi oleh semangat Indonesia untuk terus mendorong kemajuan dengan memastikan kelancaran komunikasi dan pengalaman digital yang optimal bagi seluruh peserta,” katanya.

Selain pertumbuhan trafik broadband, pemanfaatan layanan digital seperti akses media sosial meningkat hingga 9.61 persen, layanan komunikasi seperti instant messaging dan video conference mencapai 8.05 persen persen, video streaming sekira 7.65 persen, mobile gaming melonjak hingga 10.5 persen, dan akses browsing tumbuh 8.58 persen.

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Telkomsel juga mencatatkan peningkatan aktivitas akses pada sejumlah aplikasi atau platform digital favorit, seperti WhatsApp yang tumbuh 8.09 persen, TikTok meningkat 10.5 persen, Instagram naik 10.45 persen, YouTube naik 8.46 persen, dan Facebook naik 8.38 persen.

Sebagai pionir layanan 5G dengan cakupan terluas dan tercepat di Indonesia, Telkomsel juga memperkenalkan berbagai use case 5G inovatif selama gelaran PON XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024 untuk memberikan pengalaman teknologi terkini yang imersif bagi para peserta, pengunjung, dan masyarakat sekitar.

Berbagai inovasi use case 5G ini, merupakan hasil berkolaborasi bersama para mitra vendor global terkemuka di bidang teknologi seperti Ericsson, Huawei, dan Qualcomm, mencakup 5G Cyber Dog, AI UU Robot, Smart Glasses, FMC Smart Home, Virtual Reality (VR), Sports Fan Engagement, 5G Device Ecosystem, 5G Smart Live Broadcast, Smart Pole CCTV, 5G New Calling, hingga Telkomsel.

Antusiasme masyarakat terhadap showcase 5G ini juga sangat tinggi, terbukti dengan lebih dari 3.200 pengunjung yang hadir di booth showcase 5G Telkomsel untuk merasakan langsung manfaat teknologi 5G dalam mendukung berbagai aktivitas sehari-hari. ***

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Telkomsel’s 5G Broadband Traffic Grows 340 Percent During PON XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024 • — Telkomsel has successfully supported the smooth digital activities of the community and visitors during the National Sports Week (PON) XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024 which took place on September 9-20, 2024.

During PON XXI, which is the largest sporting event in Indonesia, Telkomsel’s 5G broadband traffic jumped to more than 340 percent compared to normal days. Meanwhile, other network data services recorded a spike in payload traffic of more than 11.20 percent.

This significant increase in data service traffic reflects Telkomsel’s commitment to continue to provide digital connectivity with the latest technology.

This commitment is realized through the addition of 5G networks in 12 strategic locations for the implementation of PON XXI, optimization of 4G networks in 257 existing sites, and installation of 14 Compact Mobile BTS (COMBAT) units.

Through this effort, Telkomsel not only facilitates digital access, but also ensures the best communication experience for all participants, athletes, officials, volunteers, and visitors at various locations for the implementation of PON XXI.

During the period of the largest sporting event, the highest spike in data traffic was recorded in the area of ​​the North Sumatra Provincial Youth and Sports Office (GOR DISPORASU) Deli Serdang, which experienced an increase of more than 45.20 percent where the Badminton, Basketball, Futsal, Women’s Soccer and other sports were held.

In addition, a spike in data traffic also occurred at the SPORT Center of Syiah Kuala University, Aceh, with an increase of 42.60 percent, which was the location for the implementation of Baseball, Judo, Petanque and Rugby sports.

Vice President of Area Network Operations Sumatera Telkomsel, Nugroho Adi Wibowo said, Telkomsel is proud to be able to contribute to supporting the success of the implementation of PON XXI Aceh Sumut 2024 by presenting the best digital connectivity services.

“This is in line with our vision and mission to empower the Indonesian people through the provision of superior digital telecommunications services, and inspired by Indonesia’s spirit to continue to drive progress by ensuring smooth communication and optimal digital experiences for all participants,” he said.

In addition to broadband traffic growth, the use of digital services such as social media access increased by 9.61 percent, communication services such as instant messaging and video conferencing reached 8.05 percent, video streaming around 7.65 percent, mobile gaming jumped by 10.5 percent, and browsing access grew by 8.58 percent.

Telkomsel also recorded an increase in access activity on a number of favorite digital applications or platforms, such as WhatsApp which grew by 8.09 percent, TikTok increased by 10.5 percent, Instagram increased by 10.45 percent, YouTube increased by 8.46 percent, and Facebook increased by 8.38 percent.

As a pioneer of 5G services with the widest and fastest coverage in Indonesia, Telkomsel also introduced various innovative 5G use cases during the PON XXI Aceh-Sumut 2024 to providing the latest immersive technology experience for participants, visitors, and the surrounding community.

These various 5G use case innovations are the result of collaboration with leading global vendor partners in the technology sector such as Ericsson, Huawei, and Qualcomm, including 5G Cyber ​​Dog, AI UU Robot, Smart Glasses, FMC Smart Home, Virtual Reality (VR), Sports Fan Engagement, 5G Device Ecosystem, 5G Smart Live Broadcast, Smart Pole CCTV, 5G New Calling, to Telkomsel.

The public’s enthusiasm for this 5G showcase is also very high, as evidenced by the more than 3,200 visitors who attended the Telkomsel 5G showcase booth to experience firsthand the benefits of 5G technology in supporting various daily activities. ***


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