Donor Darah Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Berhasil Kumpulkan 163 Kantong

Donor Darah Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Berhasil Kumpulkan 163 Kantong

Donor Darah Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Berhasil Kumpulkan 163 Kantong • — Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Medan kembali menggelar donor darah yang dilakukan secara rutin, Minggu, 6 Oktober 2024.

Kegiatan berlangsung di Gedung Yayasan Teochew Jl. Gandhi No. 123 Medan yang didukung oleh beberapa komunitas, seperti Lions Club Medan Metropolitan, LCM Cemara, LCM Hangkesturi, LCM Liberty, LCM Alumni Husni Thamrin, Leo Club Medan PMCI, Institut Bisnis IT&B, PMI dan Yayasan HOPE.

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Ketua Perkumpulan Teo Chew Bersatu Medan, Prof (Assoc), Dr. Agus Susanto Tan didampingi Ketua Panitia Pelaksana Tony mengucapkan terimakasih kepada seluruh elemen yang ikut bekerjasama dalam pelaksanaan donor darah kali ini.

“Terimakasih kepada PMI dan para donator, dan semoga kegiatan ini bisa menghasilkan manfaat kepada masyarakat,” ujar Prof (Assoc) Dr Agus.

Dikatakan Prof (Assoc) Dr Agus, sebanyak 163 kantong darah terkumpul hari ini, jumlah tersebut diluar dugaan dan berhasil mengumpulkan lebih banyak kantor darah dari kegiatan yang sama periode lalu. Ini luar biasa.

“Ini jumlah kantong darah terbanyak yang dikumpulkan sebanyak 163 kantong, dan sebenarnya bisa lebih banyak lagi karena hingga siang masih banyak yang datang dan mengantri untuk donor. Akan tetapi, kondisi teknis kita mesti membatasi jumlah pendonor,” ujarnya.

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Dari 210 data pendonor yang mendaftar, berhasil dikumpulkan sebanyak 163 kantong. “Dalam agenda Donor darah kali ini juga dilakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis, seperti pemeriksaan Kolesterol, Asam Urat dan Gula darah. Ada juga pemeriksaan mata dan pembagian kacamata baca gratis,” ucapnya.

Prof (Assoc) Dr Agus juga mengatakan, jika tidak ada kendala, kegiatan donor darah ini tentu akan dilaksanakan secara rutin 3 bulan sekali ini.

“Semoga kegiatan kemanusiaan ini rutin dilakukan 3 bulan sekali. Dan mendapatkan tetap mendapatkan dukungan oleh Unibis dan Indocafe. Terima kasih atas dukungan semuanya,” ucap Prof (Assoc) Dr Agus. ***

google translate

United Teochew Association Blood Donor Successfully Collects 163 Bags • — The Medan United Teochew Association once again held a routine blood donation on Sunday, October 6, 2024.

The activity took place at the Teochew Foundation Building, Jl. Gandhi No. 123 Medan, which was supported by several communities, such as the Lions Club Medan Metropolitan, LCM Cemara, LCM Hangkesturi, LCM Liberty, LCM Alumni Husni Thamrin, Leo Club Medan PMCI, IT&B Business Institute, PMI and the HOPE Foundation.

The Chairperson of the Medan United Teo Chew Association, Prof. (Assoc), Dr. Agus Susanto Tan accompanied by the Chairperson of the Organizing Committee Tony expressed his gratitude to all elements who collaborated in implementing this blood donation.

“Thank you to PMI and the donors, and hopefully this activity can benefit the community,” said Prof. (Assoc) Dr. Agus.

Prof. (Assoc) Dr. Agus said that 163 blood bags were collected today, the number was beyond expectations and managed to collect more blood bags than the same activity in the previous period. This is extraordinary.

“This is the largest number of blood bags collected, 163 bags, and actually it could be more because until noon there were still many who came and queued to donate. However, our technical conditions must limit the number of donors,” he said.

From 210 donor data who registered, 163 bags were successfully collected. “In the blood donation agenda this time, free health checks were also carried out, such as cholesterol, uric acid and blood sugar checks. There were also eye examinations and free reading glasses were distributed,” he said.

Prof. (Assoc) Dr. Agus also said that if there were no obstacles, this blood donation activity would certainly be carried out routinely every 3 months.

“Hopefully this humanitarian activity will be carried out routinely every 3 months. And continue to receive support from Unibis and Indocafe. Thank you for all your support,” said Prof. (Assoc) Dr. Agus. ***


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