Agen BRILink Kantongi SOP Buat Gagalkan Semua Modus Penipuan, Jadi Jangan Coba-coba Lakukan ‘Mission Impossible’

Agen BRILink Kantongi SOP Buat Gagalkan Semua Modus Penipuan, Jadi Jangan Coba-coba Lakukan 'Mission Impossible'

Agen BRILink Kantongi SOP Buat Gagalkan Semua Modus Penipuan, Jadi Jangan Coba-coba Lakukan ‘Mission Impossible’ • — Belum lama ini, sebagaimana bisa disimak di media sosial X (dulu Twitter), sebuah aksi penipuan telah berhasil digagalkan seorang petugas Agen BRILink.

Pelaku “Mission Impossible” ini adalah seorang lelaki yang menyatakan akan melakukan tarik tunai senilai Rp 3 juta dan meminta dana langsung ditransfer.

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Tidak lama setelah kutak-katik ponselnya ia menyatakan kepada petugas Agen BRILink sudah ada bukti. Akan tetapi, ia tetap tidak bisa mendapatkan transfer senilai yang diminta, karena petugas Agen BRILink tidak menemukan bukti adanya mutasi.

Aksi “Mission Impossible” ini bisa disimak di CCTV, terjadi pada 21 Oktober, pukul 10.55 WIB.

Seru, karena petugas Agen BRILink sangat teliti sehingga berhasil menggagalkan misi penipu itu! Artinya penipuan betul-betul impossible untuk dilakukan.

Caranya dengan menerapkan Standard Operational Procedure (SOP). Yaitu, memeriksa terlebih dahulu ada atau tidak adanya bukti telah terjadi mutasi.

Karena itu, Si Penipu berdalih akan melakukan komplain kepada kantor Bank BRI dan meninggalkan lokasi. SOP ini juga bisa disimak di gerai transaksi online Agen BRILink untuk pengambilan uang.

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Isinya adalah: “Sebelum transaksi kami akan menghitung uang Anda terlebih dahulu. Mohon dihitung kembali uang Anda sebelum meninggalkan loket/outlet. Kami tidak menerima segala tuntutan/klaim setelah Anda meninggalkan loket.”

Kemudian SOP tarik tunai sendiri adalah: “Proses transaksi, hitung uang, transaksi selesai. Dan SOP setor adalah hitung uang, proses transaksi, transaksi selesai.”

Nah, jelas bukan Si Penipu tidak bisa memenuhi langkah-langkah tarik tunai yang dimintanya itu?

Jadi, jangan coba-coba melakukan “Mission Impossible”, karena memang impossible alias tidak mungkin melakukan tindak penipuan, seperti lelaki di CCTV itu. ***

google translate

BRILink Agents Have SOPs to Thwart All Fraudulent Methods, So Don’t Try to Do ‘Mission Impossible’ • — Not long ago, as can be seen on social media X (formerly Twitter), a fraudulent act was successfully thwarted by a BRILink Agent officer.

The perpetrator of this “Mission Impossible” was a man who stated that he would make a cash withdrawal of IDR 3 million and asked for the funds to be transferred immediately.

Not long after fiddling with his cellphone, he stated to the BRILink Agent officer that there was evidence. However, he still could not get the transfer of the requested amount, because the BRILink Agent officer did not find evidence of a mutation.

This “Mission Impossible” act can be seen on CCTV, it occurred on October 21, at 10:55 WIB.

Exciting, because the BRILink Agent officer was very thorough so that he managed to thwart the fraudster’s mission! This means that fraud is truly impossible to do.

The method is by implementing Standard Operational Procedure (SOP). That is, first check whether or not there is evidence of a mutation.

Therefore, the fraudster argued that he would complain to the BRI Bank office and leave the location. This SOP can also be seen at the BRILink Agent online transaction outlet for withdrawing money.

The contents are: “Before the transaction, we will count your money first. Please recount your money before leaving the counter/outlet. We do not accept any demands/claims after you leave the counter.”

Then the cash withdrawal SOP itself is: “Transaction process, count money, transaction complete. And the deposit SOP is count money, transaction process, transaction complete.”

Well, it is clear that the fraudster cannot fulfill the cash withdrawal steps he requested, right?

So, don’t try to do “Mission Impossible”, because it is impossible to commit fraud, like the man on the CCTV. ***


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