Institut Bisnis IT&B Wisuda 106 Lulusan Angkatan ke 25

Institut Bisnis IT&B Wisuda 106 Lulusan Angkatan ke 25

Institut Bisnis IT&B Wisuda 106 Lulusan Angkatan ke 25 • — Institut Bisnis IT&B Medan mewisuda 106 lulusan angkatan ke 2, bertempat di Aula Institut Bisnis IT&B, Jalan Mahoni nomor 16 Medan, Sabtu, 16 November 2024.

Wakil Rektor III Institut Bisnis IT&B, Ir. Albert Masli, S.E., S.P., M.M., M.Pd. selaku Ketua Panitia Acara Wisuda melaporkan, acara wisuda ini merupakan gelombang kedua pada tahun 2024 dengan angkatan ke 25.

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“Total keseluruhan wisudawan/ti pada acara wisuda gelombang pertama pada tahun 2024 terdapat 106 orang. Saya mewakili segenap panitia mengucapkan selamat dan sukses kepada wisudawan/ti, semoga menjadi motivasi untuk mencapai sesuatu yang lebih dalam kehidupan. Saya juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh tamu kehormatan, alumni, orang tua yang telah hadir dan mendukung keberhasilan acara wisuda,” sebut Albert Masli

Sementara itu, Managing Director IB IT&B, Dr. Agus Susanto Tan menyampaikan, Institut Bisnis IT&B didirikan sejak tahun 2005 hingga saat ini sudah 19 tahun, terus berkomitmen dunia pendidikan dan melayani generasi muda.

“Meskipun secara formal para mahasiswa sudah menyelesaikan studinya, namun hal ini bukan berarti berhenti belajar. Meminjam momentum hari wisuda hari ini, wisudawan/wati dapat terus berjuang dalam mengapai impian dan cita-cita. Kami keluarga besar Institut Bisnis IT&B akan akan senantiasa mendoakan dan mendukung wisudawan/ti kami,” ujar Dr. Agus Susanto Tan.

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Institut Bisnis IT&B Wisuda 106 Lulusan Angkatan ke 25
Ketua Pengurus Yayasan Tunas Andalan Nusa (TAN), Ir. Hitler Nainggolan menyampaikan, pihak Yayasan akan senantiasa mendukung dan menfasilitasi kemajuan Institut Bisnis IT&B, serta mengucapkan terima kasih kepada orang tua wisudawan/ti yang telah memberikan kepercayaan kepada Institut Bisnis IT&B.

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“Keberhasilan hari ini adalah berkat jerih payah, pengorbanan, dan doa dari orang tua maupun kerabat anda. Marilah senantiasa bersyukur dan berbakti kepada orang tua maupun orang-orang yang selama ini mendukung anda hingga menyelesaikan studi anda hari ini,” sebut Hitler Nainggolan

Kepala Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi Wilayah I Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Prof. Drs. Saiful Anwar Matondang, M.A., Ph.D yang hadir dalam wisuda menyampaikan, Institut Bisnis IT&B memiliki tanggung jawab mandiri melaksanakan kegiatan fungsional pendidikan tinggi, dengan menuangkan berbagai disiplin ilmu didalam proses pembelajarannya yang mengacu pada perkembangan iptek.

“Saya ucapkan selamat dan sukses atas diwisudanya wisudawan/ti, semoga ilmu dan pengetahuan yang telah dipelajari di Institut Bisnis IT&B dapat diabdikan bagi bangsa dan negara kita,” sebut Saiful Anwar Matondang.

Acara wisuda tersebut, juga terdapat beberapa rangkaian persembahan acara, seperti: paduan suara oleh mahasiswa Institut Bisnis IT&B, persembahan lagu dari wisudawati, dan pertunjukan dance oleh mahasiswa/i Institut Bisnis IT&B serta diakhiri dengan foto bersama sebagai kenang-kenangan. ***

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IT&B Business Institute Graduates 106 Graduates of the 25th Batch • — The IT&B Business Institute Medan graduated 106 graduates of the 2nd batch, taking place at the IT&B Business Institute Hall, Jalan Mahoni number 16 Medan, Saturday, November 16, 2024.

Vice Chancellor III of the IT&B Business Institute, Ir. Albert Masli, S.E., S.P., M.M., M.Pd. as the Chairperson of the Graduation Ceremony Committee reported that this graduation ceremony was the second wave in 2024 with the 25th batch.

“The total number of graduates in the first wave of graduation ceremonies in 2024 was 106 people. On behalf of the entire committee, I congratulate and wish success to the graduates, hopefully it will be a motivation to achieve something more in life. I would also like to thank all the honored guests, alumni, and parents who attended and supported the success of the graduation ceremony,” said Albert Masli

Meanwhile, Managing Director of IB IT&B, Dr. Agus Susanto Tan said that the IT&B Business Institute was established in 2005 and has been in existence for 19 years, continuing to be committed to the world of education and serving the younger generation.

“Although the students have formally completed their studies, this does not mean that they have stopped learning. Borrowing the momentum of today’s graduation day, the graduates can continue to fight to achieve their dreams and aspirations. We, the extended family of the IT&B Business Institute, will always pray for and support our graduates,” said Dr. Agus Susanto Tan.

The Chairperson of the Tunas Andalan Nusa Foundation (TAN), Ir. Hitler Nainggolan said that the Foundation will always support and facilitate the progress of the IT&B Business Institute, and would like to thank the parents of the graduates who have given their trust to the IT&B Business Institute.

“Today’s success is thanks to the hard work, sacrifices, and prayers of your parents and relatives. Let us always be grateful and devoted to our parents and those who have supported you until you complete your studies today,” said Hitler Nainggolan

Head of Higher Education Services for Region I of North Sumatra Province, Prof. Drs. Saiful Anwar Matondang, MA, Ph.D who was present at the graduation said that the IT&B Business Institute has the independent responsibility to carry out functional activities of higher education, by pouring various disciplines into its learning process that refer to the development of science and technology.

“I congratulate and wish success to the graduates, hopefully the knowledge and skills that have been learned at the IT&B Business Institute can be devoted to our nation and country,” said Saiful Anwar Matondang.

The graduation ceremony also included several series of event offerings, such as: a choir by IT&B Business Institute students, song offerings from graduates, and dance performances by IT&B Business Institute students and ended with a group photo as a souvenir. ***


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