Kunjungi TPL, Belasan Jurnalis Panen Cabai Merah

Kunjungi TPL, Belasan Jurnalis Panen Cabai Merah

Kunjungi TPL, Belasan Jurnalis Panen Cabai Merah • OBROLANBISNIS.com — Belasan jurnalis dari berbagai media di Sumatera Utara (Sumut) melakukan panen cabai merah di areal konsesi PT Toba Pulp Lestari (TPL), Tbk, Senin, 18 November 2024.

Dengan bersemangat, para awak media itu secara langsung memetik cabai merah yang terhampar di antara tanaman pohon Eucalyptus milik TPL.

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“Silakan kawan-kawan jurnalis memetik cabai-cabai merahnya,” ungkap Salomo Sitohang, Manager Corporate Communication TPL, saat mendampingi kunjungan jurnalis ke areal konsesi perusahaan pulp tersebut.

Sebelumnya, Salomo Sitohang mewakili managemen TPL menyambut hangat kunjungan belasan jurnalis asal Sumatera Utara (Sumut).

Bacaan Lainnya

Kunjungi TPL, Belasan Jurnalis Panen Cabai Merah
“Selamat datang rekan-rekan jurnalis di TPL. Perusahaan sangat terbuka bagi siapa pun termasuk jurnalis yang ingin melihat dan menyaksikan langsung operasional perusahaan dari dekat,” ungkap Salomo disampingi Ricky Hutapea dan Indra Sianipar, staf Corporate Communication TPL.

Dalam kesempatan itu, perwakilan managemen TPL mengajak berkeliling ke operasional perusahaan, di antaranya lokasi pembibitan Eucalyptus, pabrik pengolahan serat kayu (pulp), pengelolaan limbah hingga tanaman pohon Eucalyptus.

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“Bisa kita lihat di objek perusahaan, tanaman Eucalyptus tumbuh berdampingan dengan tanaman lainnya. Isu itu tidak benar bahwa Eucalyptus mematikan tanaman endemik yang berada di sekitarnya,” tambah Salomo.

Di sela peninjauan lokasi tanaman pohon Eucalyptus, TPL mengajak jurnalis untuk menyaksikan langsung tanaman endemik yang berdampingan dengan pohon Eucalyptus.

“Silakan mitra jurnalis melihat langsung bahwa tanaman endemik seperti cabai merah bisa hidup dan tumbuh subur berdampingan dengan Eucalyptus. Ini sebagai bukti untuk menepis isu-isu yang beredar bahwa tanaman Eucalyptus rakus menyerap air tidaklah benar,” beber Tasya Sirait, staf Community Development TPL.

Ia menyebutkan, secara alami semua tanaman membutuhkan air. Apalagi Eucalyptus yang bukan tanaman endemik di Indonesia, pasti membutuhkan air.

Kunjungi TPL, Belasan Jurnalis Panen Cabai Merah

Jenis Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus merupakan bahan baku utama produksi pulp (serat kayu) bagi PT Toba Pulp Lestari (TPL), Tbk. Batang pohon Eucalyptus diolah menjadi serat kayu yang hasilnya dijual ke dalam hingga diekspor ke luar negeri.

Dalam perkembangannya, Eucalyptus memiliki 700 jenis pohon. Dan yang diproduksi oleh TPL di konsensi Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) berjenis Urophylla, Grandis dan Pellita.

“Dari 700 jenis Eucalyptus, cuma 3 varian tanaman yang utama dipergunakan TPL menjadi bahan baku utama produksi,” jelas Ricky Hutapea, staf Corporate Communication TPL.

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Menurutnya, untuk keberlangsungan ketersedian bahan baku, TPL juga melakukan produksi pembibitan Eucalyptus dengan cara clonning. “Pembibitan Eucalyptus dilakukan secara continue di Nursery Area. Kita (TPL) menargetkan 3 juta bibit setiap bulan,” katanya.

Bibit Eucalyptus yang diproduksi tidak hanya dimanfaatkan oleh perusahaan, melainkan juga dialokasikan untuk masyarakat yang membutuhkan bibit melalui berbagai kegiatan, seperti halnya penanaman pohon dan lainnya.

Kepada awak media, Salomo Sitohang kembali meyakinkan bahwa tanaman Eucalyptus tidak berbahaya bagi tanaman endemik lainnya yang ada di sekitar pohon tersebut.

“Eucalyptus hidup berdampingan dengan tumbuhan lainnya. Kita dapat menyaksikan langsung bahwa Eucalyptus tak merusak lingkungan seperti apa yang beredar di publik,” katanya. ***

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Visit TPL, Dozens of Journalists Harvest Red Chilies • OBROLANBISNIS.com — Dozens of journalists from various media in North Sumatra (Sumut) harvested red chilies in the concession area of ​​PT Toba Pulp Lestari (TPL), Tbk, Monday, November 18, 2024.

With enthusiasm, the media crew directly picked the red chilies that were spread out among the Eucalyptus trees owned by TPL.

“Please, fellow journalists, pick the red chilies,” said Salomo Sitohang, TPL Corporate Communication Manager, while accompanying the journalists’ visit to the pulp company’s concession area.

Previously, Salomo Sitohang, representing TPL management, warmly welcomed the visit of dozens of journalists from North Sumatra (Sumut).

“Welcome fellow journalists to TPL. The company is very open to anyone, including journalists, who want to see and witness the company’s operations up close,” said Salomo, accompanied by Ricky Hutapea and Indra Sianipar, TPL Corporate Communication staff.

On that occasion, TPL management representatives invited them to tour the company’s operations, including the Eucalyptus nursery location, wood fiber processing factory (pulp), waste management to Eucalyptus trees.

“We can see in the company’s objects, Eucalyptus plants grow side by side with other plants. The issue is not true that Eucalyptus kills endemic plants in the surrounding area,” added Solomon.

In between the review of the Eucalyptus tree location, TPL invited journalists to witness firsthand the endemic plants side by side with Eucalyptus trees.

“Please, journalist partners, see firsthand that endemic plants such as red chilies can live and thrive side by side with Eucalyptus. This is evidence to dispel the circulating issues that Eucalyptus plants are greedy in absorbing water, which is not true,” explained Tasya Sirait, TPL Community Development staff.

She said that naturally all plants need water. Moreover, Eucalyptus, which is not an endemic plant in Indonesia, definitely needs water.

Types of Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is the main raw material for pulp (wood fiber) production for PT Toba Pulp Lestari (TPL), Tbk. Eucalyptus tree trunks are processed into wood fiber, the results of which are sold domestically and exported abroad.

In its development, Eucalyptus has 700 types of trees. And those produced by TPL in the Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) concession are Urophylla, Grandis and Pellita.

“Of the 700 types of Eucalyptus, only 3 main plant variants are used by TPL as the main raw material for production,” explained Ricky Hutapea, TPL Corporate Communication staff.

According to him, for the sustainability of the availability of raw materials, TPL also produces Eucalyptus seedlings by cloning. “Eucalyptus seedlings are carried out continuously in the Nursery Area. We (TPL) are targeting 3 million seedlings every month,” he said.

The Eucalyptus seedlings produced are not only utilized by the company, but are also allocated to communities in need of seedlings through various activities, such as tree planting and others.

To the media crew, Salomo Sitohang reassured that Eucalyptus plants are not harmful to other endemic plants around the tree.

“Eucalyptus coexists with other plants. We can witness firsthand that Eucalyptus does not damage the environment as is circulated in the public,” he said. ***


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