Beautify Indonesia-BMPB Sumut Khitan 85 Anak-anak Yatim • — Badan Musyawarah Perbankan Daerah (BMPD) Sumatera Utara (Sumut) menggandeng Klinik Beautify Indonesia menggelar sunatan massal. Kerja sama perdana ini diikuti 85 anak yang berasal dari Kota Medan dan sekitarnya.
Regional Consumer Banking Head BRI, Herdiman, mengatakan, sunatan massal yang digelar BMPD dengan menggandeng Beautify Indonesia sebagai bentuk komitmen dari BMPD untuk memberikan kontribusi positif pada masyarakat khususnya dalam rangka meningkatkan kesehatan generasi muda atau anak-anak.
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“Selain kewajiban agama, supaya generasi penerus yakni anak-anak kita, kesehatannya terjamin. Karena kita tahu, bahwa dengan melaksanakan sunatan ini, secara medis dan penelitian kesehatannya lebih baik daripada tidak dikhitan,” katanya, di sela-sela sunatan massal, di Klinik Beautify Indonesia, Jalan Zainul Arifin, Medan, Minggu, 24 November 2024.
Dia menambahkan, BMPD juga berterimakasih pada Klinik Beautify Indonesia karena sudah memberikan tempat dan bantuan teknis sehingga berjalan lancar.
“Harapannya mudah-mudahan anak yang dikhitan pagi ini bisa segera pulih, diberikan kesehatan dan bisa jadi anak yang dibanggakan oleh orangtuanya,” kata Herdiman.
Sementara Area Manager BSI, Ikrar Simbolon, mengatakan, BMPD banyak sekali kegiatan-kegitan yang bersifat sosial dan keagaaman. “Jadi sifatnya adalah universal. Di tahun ini saja, kalender untuk kegiatan sosialnya sangat banyak. Dan BMPD berkomitmen untuk terus berkontribusi pada masyarakat khususnya di Sumut,” katanya.
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Ikrar menambahkan, kerja sama baksri sosial dengan Klinik Beautify Indonesia merupakan yang pertama kali. Alasan bekerjasama karena dr. Arya Tjipta sebagai pemilik Klinik Beautify Indonesia memiliki infrastruktur dan keahlian. “Selain itu juga memiliki komitmen untuk memberikan bantuan dan support untuk program yang digagas BMPD Sumut,” katanya.
Pemilik Klinik Beautify Indonesia, DR. dr. Arya Tjipta, mengatakan, semua baksos yang sudah bekerjasama dengan banyak pihak tidak terkait oleh politik manapun. Karena ia sendiri melakukan sunatan secara rutin yakni setiap minggu, setiap bulan dan setiap liburan anak sekolah.
“Saya pribadi juga melakukan operasi setiap minggu dan ada operasi gratis setiap hari Jumat. Saya menamakannya Sedekah Profesi. Disitu operasi gratis tapi yang bisa saya lakukan adalah bius lokal. Seperti tumor jinak dan bibir sumbing orang dewasa. Itu saya kerjakan sendiri. Kalau untuk operasi bibir sumbing bayi tidak bisa bius lokal, harus di rumah sakit. Nah, kalau di klinik kita lakukan setiap bulan, termasuk sunatan massal. Jadi terima kasih pada berbagai pihak yang sudah ikut berkontribusi seperti hari ini BMPD,” kata dr. Arya Tjipta.
Ia menambahkan, ini support pertama, harapannya bukan hanya yang pertama tapi berkelanjutan. Soal bahan yang digunakan, dr. Arya menekankan jika setiap baksos yang dipakai adalah bahan-bahan yang premium.
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“Bayar sama nggak bayar sama. Karena stok juga untuk pasien yang berbayar. Harapannya semua bisa merasakan manfaat dari baksos yang non profit ini. Kegiatan ini feedback ke masyarakat akan kehadiran kita,” kata dr. Arya, seraya menambahkan jika untuk sunatan massal ini juga dibantu oleh staf dari Fakultas Kedokteran USU yakni departemen ilmu bedah. ***
google translate
Beautify Indonesia-BMPB Sumut Circumcise 85 Orphans • — The Regional Banking Deliberative Council (BMPD) of North Sumatra (Sumut) collaborated with the Beautify Indonesia Clinic to hold a mass circumcision. This first collaboration was attended by 85 children from Medan City and its surroundings.
Regional Consumer Banking Head of BRI, Herdiman, said that the mass circumcision held by BMPD in collaboration with Beautify Indonesia was a form of BMPD’s commitment to provide a positive contribution to society, especially in improving the health of the younger generation or children.
“In addition to religious obligations, so that the next generation, namely our children, are guaranteed to be healthy. Because we know that by carrying out this circumcision, medically and research-wise, the health is better than not being circumcised,” he said, on the sidelines of the mass circumcision, at the Beautify Indonesia Clinic, Jalan Zainul Arifin, Medan, Sunday, November 24, 2024.
He added, BMPD also thanked the Beautify Indonesia Clinic for providing a place and technical assistance so that it ran smoothly.
“Hopefully the child who was circumcised this morning can recover soon, be given health and can become a child who is proud of his parents,” said Herdiman.
Meanwhile, BSI Area Manager, Ikrar Simbolon, said that BMPD has many social and religious activities. “So it is universal in nature. This year alone, the calendar for social activities is very large. And BMPD is committed to continuing to contribute to the community, especially in North Sumatra,” he said.
Ikrar added that the social service collaboration with the Beautify Indonesia Clinic was the first. The reason for the collaboration was because dr. Arya Tjipta as the owner of the Beautify Indonesia Clinic has the infrastructure and expertise. “In addition, he also has a commitment to provide assistance and support for programs initiated by the North Sumatra BMPD,” he said.
The owner of the Beautify Indonesia Clinic, DR. dr. Arya Tjipta, said that all social services that have collaborated with many parties are not related to any politics. Because he himself routinely performs circumcisions, namely every week, every month and every school holiday.
“I personally also perform surgery every week and there is a free surgery every Friday. I call it Sedekah Profesi. There, the surgery is free but what I can do is local anesthesia. Like benign tumors and adult cleft lips. I do that myself. For cleft lip surgery for babies, local anesthesia cannot be used, it must be in the hospital. Well, at the clinic we do it every month, including mass circumcisions. So thank you to the various parties who have contributed like today’s BMPD,” said dr. Arya Tjipta.
He added, this is the first support, hopefully not only the first but also sustainable. Regarding the materials used, dr. Arya emphasized that every social service used is premium materials.
“Paying and not paying is the same. Because the stock is also for patients who pay. Hopefully everyone can feel the benefits of this non-profit social service. This activity is feedback to the community about our presence,” said dr. Arya, while adding that this mass circumcision was also assisted by staff from the USU Faculty of Medicine, namely the department of surgery. ***