Repleksi HUT PGRI: Guru Harus Sejahtera, Bukan Sekadar Pahlawan Tanpa Tanda Jasa • — HUT PGRI ke-79 dan Hari Guru Nasional ke-30 yang diperingati hari ini, 25 November 2024, memiliki makna tersendiri bagi Dr. Hendri Tumbur Simamora, SE, M.Si.
Bukan hanya lahir dari rahim seorang guru, Hendri bersyukur mendapat didikan tegas dari keluarga, sebagai bekal menghadapi berbagai kendala menggapai cita-cita.
REKOMENDASI: Peringati Hari Guru | Institut Bisnis IT&B Gelar Teacher’s Day Celebration
“Saya pernah dilempar penghapus oleh ibu saya sendiri dalam kelas. Kalau salah ya salah. Tidak ada pembelaan, walau saya ini anaknya sendiri,” ujar Hendri saat bincang santai di Doloksanggul, Senin 25 November 2024.
Ibu Hendri adalah seorang guru di tempat ia sekolah. Meski demikian, Hendri tidak mendapatkan perlakuan istimewa dari siswa lainnya. Dalam mendidik, perlakuan ibu, tetap tegas dan cenderung keras, terutama dalam menanamkan disiplin diri.
“Soal disiplin, Ibu paling keras. Salah, ada saksi. Benar ada apresiasi. Peristiwa dilempar penghapus waktu itu, jadi pelajaran berharga buat saya, bahwa pendidikan bukan hanya soal akademik, tapi juga membangun karakter dan etika,” sebut Hendri.
Hendri menilai, terdapat perbedaan konsentrasi pola ajar yang diterapkan guru di masa lalu dengan saat ini. Dahulu, guru tidak hanya fokus pada bidang studi, tetapi juga pada pembentukan etika dan budi pekerti.
REKOMENDASI: Janji Pasangan Hendri – Yanto di Bidang Kesehatan | Mengoptimalkan Layanan Kesehatan di Humbahas
“Dulu ada pelajaran budi pekerti, sekarang tidak ada. Ini perlu menjadi perhatian, termasuk pentingnya pengajaran budaya lokal. Misalnya nilai-nilai budaya Batak yang kaya akan kearifan,” ujar Hendri.
Hendri juga menegaskan, lingkungan keluarga menjadi benteng utama dalam mendidik seorang anak sejak usia dini. Kesuksesan orangtua dalam mendidik anak dalam keluarga, akan berpengaruh besar pada perilaku, adab, sopan santun dan etika dalam pergaulan sehari-hari yang akan terbawa hingga dewasa.
“Jika anak berhasil dididik di rumah, maka di luar pun mereka akan sukses, baik dalam sikap maupun perilaku,” tegas Hendri.
Meski Hendri lahir dari rahim seorang guru, kehidupan keluarganya jauh dari kemewahan, apalagi sejak beranjak remaja, ia telah kehilangan seorang Ayah.
“Biar cukup, telur satu kami potong pakai benang. Bagi-bagi. Sedikit sama dirasa. Sekarang, sebagian anak mungkin punya kehidupan lebih baik dari kami. Bahkan ada orangtua yang memanjakan anak terlalu berlebihan, hingga berpengaruh pada pembentukan mental dan disiplin anak,” papar Hendri.
REKOMENDASI: Dialog Interaktif Pasangan Hendri – Yanto | Siap Sejahterakan Warga Hingga Bangun Akses Daerah Terpencil
“Orangtua penting mengajarkan tentang nilai-nilai kebaikan dan keteladanan pada anak. Ini sangat mendasar,” ujarnya.
Hendri juga mendorong Dinas Pendidikan dan instansi terkait melakukan pengawasan terhadap lembaga pendidikan dan kualitas guru, agar proses belajar-mengajar berlangsung baik, termasuk mengantisapasi terjadinya tindak kekerasan terhadap anak yang nakal berlebihan dalam lingkungan sekolah.
“Jika guru mendidik dengan wajar, mereka tidak perlu dihukum. Namun, jika ada pelanggaran serius, proses hukum tetap harus dijalankan. Semua harus proporsional,” sebut Hendri.
Berbanding lurus, pemerintah selayaknya memberikan apresiasi kepada guru berprestasi, sebagai bentuk rangsangan agar terus meningkatkan kualitas diri dalam menjalankan prosesinya.
“Kalau dulu ada istilah, guru adalah pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa. Sekarang harus beda, guru adalah pahlawan yang harus sejahtera. Mengapa, karena guru berjasa mengentaskan kebodohan, membawa kita menuju cahaya ilmu pengetahuan,” tutur Hendri.
REKOMENDASI: Optimis Keluar dari Kemiskinan, UMKM Dukung Hendri – Yanto Jadi Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Humbahas
Dengan demikian, guru akan sepenuh hati menjalankan tugas mulia yang diemban dalam upaya mencerdaskan generasi muda penerus bangsa.
Kualitas guru meningkat, kesejahteraan juga harus ikut meningkat. Jadi guru itu adalah profesi mulia. Layak dapat apresiasi,” tegas Hendri.
Sebelum menutup bincang, Hendri mengucapkan selamat HUT PGRI ke-79 dan Hari Guru Nasional ke 30 Tahun 2024 kepada seluruh guru yang ada di Humbang Hasundutan.
“Semoga kualitas guru, dunia pendidikan dan kesejahteraan guru semakin meningkat,” ucap Hendri. ***
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Reflection of PGRI Anniversary: Teachers Must Be Prosperous, Not Just Unsung Heroes • — The 79th PGRI Anniversary and the 30th National Teachers’ Day which are commemorated today, November 25, 2024, have their own meaning for Dr. Hendri Tumbur Simamora, SE, M.Si.
Not only born from the womb of a teacher, Hendri is grateful to have received strict education from his family, as provisions to face various obstacles in achieving his dreams.
“I was once thrown an eraser by my own mother in class. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. There is no defense, even though I’m her own child,” said Hendri during a casual chat in Doloksanggul, Monday, November 25, 2024.
Hendri’s mother is a teacher at the place where he goes to school. However, Hendri does not get special treatment from other students. In educating, his mother’s treatment remains firm and tends to be strict, especially in instilling self-discipline.
“Regarding discipline, my mother is the strictest. If I’m wrong, there are witnesses. It is true that there is appreciation. The incident of being thrown an eraser at that time was a valuable lesson for me, that education is not only about academics, but also building character and ethics,” said Hendri.
Hendri assessed that there was a difference in the concentration of teaching patterns applied by teachers in the past and today. In the past, teachers did not only focus on the field of study, but also on the formation of ethics and character.
“In the past there were character lessons, now there are none. This needs to be a concern, including the importance of teaching local culture. For example, the values of Batak culture which are rich in wisdom,” said Hendri.
Hendri also emphasized that the family environment is the main fortress in educating a child from an early age. The success of parents in educating children in the family will have a major influence on behavior, manners, politeness and ethics in daily interactions that will be carried over into adulthood.
“If children are successfully educated at home, then outside they will be successful, both in attitude and behavior,” said Hendri.
Although Hendri was born from a teacher’s womb, his family life was far from luxurious, especially since he was a teenager, he lost his father.
“To make it enough, we cut one egg with thread. Share it. A little is the same. Now, some children may have a better life than us. There are even parents who spoil their children too much, to the point that it affects the formation of the child’s mentality and discipline,” said Hendri.
“It is important for parents to teach children about the values of goodness and role models. This is very basic,” he said.
Hendri also encouraged the Education Office and related agencies to supervise educational institutions and the quality of teachers, so that the teaching and learning process runs well, including anticipating acts of violence against children who are excessively naughty in the school environment.
“If teachers educate reasonably, they do not need to be punished. However, if there are serious violations, the legal process must still be carried out. Everything must be proportional,” said Hendri.
In direct proportion, the government should give appreciation to outstanding teachers, as a form of encouragement to continue to improve the quality of themselves in carrying out their processes.
“In the past there was a term, teachers are unsung heroes. Now it must be different, teachers are heroes who must prosper. Why, because teachers have the merit of eradicating ignorance, bringing us to the light of knowledge,” said Hendri.
Thus, teachers will wholeheartedly carry out the noble task they are entrusted with in an effort to educate the younger generation of the nation’s successors.
The quality of teachers increases, welfare must also increase. So teachers are a noble profession. Deserving of appreciation,” said Hendri.
Before closing the discussion, Hendri congratulated the 79th PGRI Anniversary and the 30th National Teachers’ Day in 2024 to all teachers in Humbang Hasundutan.
“Hopefully the quality of teachers, the world of education and teacher welfare will continue to increase,” said Hendri. ***