800 Pelajar Ikuti Teochew Festival Season 6 • OBROLANBISNIS.com — Sebanyak 800 pelajar dari 95 sekolah/perguruan tinggi dari Tingkat Nasional mengikuti Teochew Festival Season 6 – 2024, yang berlangsung selama dua hari, 23-24 November 2024, di Gedung Yayasan Tiociu Sumut, Jalan Gandhi nomor 123, Medan.
Teochew Festival Season 6 dibuka secara resmi oleh Ketua Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Sumut diwakili Ir Karun Wirianto didampingi Ketua Panitia Lina dan Pembina Panitia Prof (Assoc) Dr Agus Susanto Tan.
REKOMENDASI: Kementerian BUMN Dukung Pelindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia
Menurut Pembina Panitia, Prof (Assoc) Dr Agus Susanto didampingi Ketua Panitia Lina, Teochew Festival Season 6 cukup meriah karena diramaikan ratusan pelajar dari 95 sekolah/perguruan tinggi.
Ada 11 kategori perlombaan yang dilombakan, diantaranya Lomba Pidato; Lomba Kaligrafi; Lomba Story Telling; Mobile Legend; Vocal Solo; Tari Kontemporer; Pantonim; Cosplay; Mewarnai; Fashion Show; dan Drum.
Prof (Assoc) Dr Agus Susanto Tan juga menerangkan, Teochew Festival Season 6 terselenggara atas kerjasama Perkumpulan Teochew Bersatu Sumut bersama Sekolah Budi Utomo dan Lions Club Medan – Alumni Husni Thamrin serta didukung penuh PT Tanimas, Indocafe, Bank Mestika, Sirup Kurnia dan Medan Musik.
REKOMENDASI: BRI Sabet Penghargaan Global Berkat Transformasi Digital melalui BRIAPI
“Terimakasih atas kerjasama dan dukungan berbagai pihak, sehingga Teochew Festival Season 6 terlaksana dengan baik dan lancar,” ucapnya. ***
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800 Students Participate in Teochew Festival Season 6 • OBROLANBISNIS.com — As many as 800 students from 95 schools/colleges from the National Level participated in the Teochew Festival Season 6 – 2024, which took place for two days, November 23-24, 2024, at the Tiociu Sumut Foundation Building, Jalan Gandhi number 123, Medan.
Teochew Festival Season 6 was officially opened by the Chairperson of the North Sumatra Teochew Bersatu Association represented by Ir Karun Wirianto accompanied by the Chairperson of the Committee Lina and the Advisory Committee Prof (Assoc) Dr Agus Susanto.
According to the Advisory Committee, Prof (Assoc) Dr Agus Susanto accompanied by the Chairperson of the Committee Lina, the Teochew Festival Season 6 was quite lively because it was enlivened by hundreds of students from 95 schools/colleges.
There were 11 categories of competitions competed, including the Speech Competition; Calligraphy Competition; Story Telling Competition; Mobile Legend; Vocal Solo; Contemporary Dance; Pantonym; Cosplay; Coloring; Fashion Show; and Drum.
Prof (Assoc) Dr Agus Susanto Tan also explained that the Teochew Festival Season 6 was held through the cooperation of the North Sumatra United Teochew Association with Budi Utomo School and Lions Club Medan – Husni Thamrin Alumni and was fully supported by PT Tanimas, Indocafe, Bank Mestika, Sirup Kurnia and Medan Musik.
“Thank you for the cooperation and support of various parties, so that the Teochew Festival Season 6 was carried out well and smoothly,” he said. ***