Panen Eucalyptus TPL di Desa Aek Nauli Terganggu Aksi Anarkis

Panen Eucalyptus TPL di Desa Aek Nauli Terganggu Aksi Anarkis

Panen Eucalyptus TPL di Desa Aek Nauli Terganggu Aksi Anarkis • — PT Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk (TPL) saat ini tengah melakukan aktivitas pemanenan eucalyptus di areal konsesi sesuai Rencana Kerja Umum (RKU) dan Rencana Kerja Tahunan (RKT) yang telah disetujui pemerintah.

Pemanenan dilakukan untuk memenuhi pasokan bahan baku pabrik. Sebelum aktivitas pemanenan, TPL telah melakukan sosialisasi kepada stakeholders terkait.

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Selanjutnya areal yang sudah dipanen tersebut akan dikerjasamakan dengan masyarakat untuk ditanami jenis tanaman hasil hutan bukan kayu yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat (Multi Purposes Trees – MPTS) seperti aren, petai, jengkol, dan lain-lain.

TPL menjalankan kegiatan operasional secara legal berdasarkan izin yang diperoleh dari pemerintah.

Dalam upaya mencukupi kebutuhan bahan baku, tahun 2024 ini, TPL fokus bekerja di wilayah konsesi Sektor Aek Nauli meliputi Desa Dolok Parmonangan, Kecamatan Dolok Panribuan, Kabupaten Simalungun sesuai PBPH Perseroan berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan nomor 493/Kpts-II/1992, jo. Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan nomor SK. 1487/Menlhk/Setjen/HPL.0/12/2021.

Perusahaan secara proaktif mendukung masyarakat lokal melalui program Community Development (CD), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) yang berfokus pada pengembangan bisnis kewirausahaan desa dan peningkatan sistem pertanian yang berkelanjutan.

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Salah satu contoh nyata keberhasilan program ini adalah panen cabe dari program intercrop yang diterapkan Kelompok Tani Hutan (KTH) Dolok Parmonangan pada Maret 2024 lalu.

Melalui pendekatan ini, masyarakat setempat tidak hanya mampu meningkatkan produktivitas lahan pertanian, tetapi juga mendapatkan pendampingan untuk mengoptimalkan hasil panen, membuka peluang pasar, dan meningkatkan pendapatan keluarga.

Program ini menunjukkan komitmen perusahaan dalam memberdayakan komunitas lokal agar lebih mandiri secara ekonomi dan memiliki keterampilan yang dapat diwariskan kepada generasi berikutnya.

TPL terus memperkuat pola kemitraan agar masyarakat sekitar merasakan manfaat positif kehadiran perusahaan, TPL juga berkomitmen mengedepankan dialog terbuka untuk solusi damai dengan masyarakat dalam menghadapi setiap tantangan isu sosial tanpa aksi yang dapat merugikan para pihak.

Aksi Anarkis Ganggu Panen Eucalyptus TPL

Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pemanenan tersebut, puluhan massa yang mengatasnamakan masyarakat adat Ompu Umbak Siallagan memaksa masuk ke dalam kawasan konsesi TPL Sektor Aek Nauli di Nagori Pondok Buluh, Kecamatan Dolok Panribuan, Kabupaten Simalungun, Senin, 2 Desember 2024.

“Massa yang memaksa masuk tersebut juga bertindak anarkis dengan melakukan aksi dorong terhadap petugas sekuriti perusahaan, mengacungkan senjata tajam dan pemukulan terhadap sekuriti serta melakukan pengrusakan pintu palang (portal) posko sekuriti menuju area konsesi perusahaan yang sedang melakukan aktifitas pemanenan tanaman eukaliptus,” ungkap Corporate Communication Manager PT TPL, Salomo Sitohang, Rabu, 4 Desember 2024.

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Dikatakan Salomo, dalam aksi tersebut, massa juga melakukan aksi pelemparan batu ke arah petugas sekuriti perusahaan dan mengakibatkan salah seorang petugas sekuriti perusahaan mengalami luka di bagian kepala.

“Saat ini korban sudah dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Parapat untuk mendapatkan penanganan medis,” sebut Salomo yang menyayangkan kejadian anarkis tersebut.

Beredar viral di media sosial, video dengan narasi yang menyebut aksi kekerasan di lahan konsesi milik TPL Desa Aek Nauli, Simalungun.

Narasi itu menyebut PT. Toba Pulp Lestari (TPL) didampingi aparat kepolisian dan TNI sudah banyak berada di areal hutan adat Dolok Parmonangan (Huta Utte Anggir).

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Masyarakat Adat Ompu Umbak Siallagan memaksa masuk ke dalam hutan adat Utte Anggir Dolok Parmonangan, sehingga terjadi bentrok yang mengakibatkan satu warga Dolok Parmonangan mengalami luka di kepala. Demikian halnya dengan seorang petugas keamanan TPL juga mengalami luka di bagian kepala akibat hantaman batu.

Menanggapi tudingan dan isu yang beredar di media sosial, Kapolres Simalungun melalui Kasat Reskrim Polres Simalungun AKP Herison Manullang secara tegas membantah adanya keterlibatan pihak kepolisian dalam aksi kericuhan itu.

“Tidak ada Anggota Kepolisian Simalungun di lokasi saat kejadian bentrok itu, sekali lagi saya tegaskan tidak ada anggota kami di lokasi,” tegas AKP Herison Manullang, mengutip salah satu media online. ***

google translate

TPL’s Eucalyptus Harvest in Aek Nauli Village Disrupted by Anarchist Actions • — PT Toba Pulp Lestari, Tbk (TPL) is currently carrying out eucalyptus harvesting activities in the concession area according to the General Work Plan (RKU) and Annual Work Plan (RKT) that have been approved by the government.

Harvesting is carried out to meet the supply of raw materials for the factory. Prior to the harvesting activity, TPL has conducted socialization to related stakeholders.

Furthermore, the harvested area will be collaborated with the community to plant types of non-timber forest products that are beneficial to the community (Multi Purposes Trees – MPTS) such as aren, petai, jengkol, and others.

TPL carries out operational activities legally based on permits obtained from the government.

In an effort to meet the need for raw materials, in 2024, TPL will focus on working in the Aek Nauli Sector concession area covering Dolok Parmonangan Village, Dolok Panribuan District, Simalungun Regency in accordance with the Company’s PBPH based on the Decree of the Minister of Forestry number 493/Kpts-II/1992, in conjunction with the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry number SK. 1487/Menlhk/Setjen/HPL.0/12/2021.

The Company proactively supports local communities through the Community Development (CD) program, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which focuses on developing village entrepreneurial businesses and improving sustainable agricultural systems.

One real example of the success of this program is the chili harvest from the intercrop program implemented by the Dolok Parmonangan Forest Farmer Group (KTH) in March 2024.

Through this approach, local communities are not only able to increase the productivity of agricultural land, but also receive assistance to optimize harvest yields, open market opportunities, and increase family income.

This program demonstrates the company’s commitment to empowering local communities to be more economically independent and have skills that can be passed on to the next generation.

TPL continues to strengthen partnership patterns so that the surrounding community feels the positive benefits of the company’s presence, TPL is also committed to prioritizing open dialogue for peaceful solutions with the community in facing every challenge of social issues without actions that can harm the parties.

Anarchist Actions Disrupt TPL’s Eucalyptus Harvest

In carrying out the harvesting activities, dozens of people claiming to be the Ompu Umbak Siallagan indigenous community forced their way into the TPL Aek Nauli Sector concession area in Nagori Pondok Buluh, Dolok Panribuan District, Simalungun Regency, Monday, December 2, 2024.

“The crowd that forced their way in also acted anarchically by pushing the company’s security officers, brandishing sharp weapons and beating the security guards, as well as destroying the security post’s gate (portal) leading to the company’s concession area which was carrying out eucalyptus harvesting activities,” said PT TPL’s Corporate Communication Manager, Salomo Sitohang, Wednesday, December 4, 2024.

Salomo said that in the action, the crowd also threw stones at the company’s security officers, resulting in one of the company’s security officers suffering a head injury.

“Currently, the victim has been taken to Parapat Hospital to receive medical treatment,” said Solomon, who regretted the anarchic incident.

A video with a narrative that mentions violence on TPL’s concession land in Aek Nauli Village, Simalungun has gone viral on social media.

The narrative states that PT. Toba Pulp Lestari (TPL) accompanied by police and TNI officers has been in the Dolok Parmonangan customary forest area (Huta Utte Anggir).

The Ompu Umbak Siallagan Indigenous Community forced their way into the Utte Anggir Dolok Parmonangan customary forest, resulting in a clash that resulted in one Dolok Parmonangan resident suffering a head injury. Likewise, a TPL security officer also suffered a head injury from being hit by a rock.

Responding to the accusations and issues circulating on social media, the Simalungun Police Chief through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Simalungun Police, AKP Herison Manullang, firmly denied any involvement of the police in the riot.

“There were no Simalungun Police members at the location when the clash occurred, once again I emphasize that none of our members were at the location,” said AKP Herison Manullang, quoting one online media. ***


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