Sambut Chinese New Year: Mall Centre Point Siapkan Ornamen Khas, Atraksi Barongsai Tonggak dan Program Rewards • — Pusat perbelanjaan terbesar di Kota Medan, Mall Centre Point siap menyambut datangnya Chinese New Year dengan menghadirkan berbagai ornamen dan dekorasi khas.
Dikombinasikan dengan lighting concept, menambah kemegahan dari pusat perbelanjaan Mall Centre Point.
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Kemegahan tersebut terlihat jelas diseluruh area dari Mall Centre Point, mulai dari area bagian luar yang disambut dengan parade lampion hingga sisi dalam mal dengan tampilan dekorasi yang maksimal.
Dalam keterangan tertulisnya, Rabu, 8 Januari 2025, General Manager Mall Centre Point, Liany Simatupang mengungkapkan, pada tahun ini, Mall Centre Point mengusung tema A Joyous Chinese New Year.
“Kami selalu berusaha dengan maksimal untuk memberikan experience kepada pengunjung setia. Kondisi tersebut kami lakukan karena selain sebagai destinasi belanja, pusat perbelanjaan juga merupakan destinasi wisata bagi keluarga dalam setiap perayaan hari besar. Dan Mall Centre Point siap menyambut perayaan hari besar tersebut,” ujarnya.
Dalam menyambut Chinese New Year tahun ini, Mall CentrePoint , kembali mengadakan rangkaian acara dengan special performance dari atraksi barongsai tonggak yang sangat dinantikan masyarakat Kota Medan. Atraksi ini akan dihadirkan Mall Centre Point pada tanggal 29 Januari dan 2 Februari 2025.
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Dalam acara tersebut, Mall Centre Point juga menampilkan rangkaian kegiatan ekslusif berupa Special Performance Wushu Taolu, Performance Guzheng, Kaligraphy Mandarin. Kemudian ada juga performance ballet, music dan choir bernuansa Chinese New Year. Seluruh rangkaian dari acara itu akan berlangsung di Main Atrium Mall Centre Point.
Tidak hanya atraksi, Mall Centre Point juga mempersiapkan Program Rewards special Chinese New Year. Seperti Program Rewards Mobile Apps-Redemption Voucher. “Selanjutnya pada aplikasi Mal Centre Point, akan di selenggarakan program redemption voucher, dimana pada program tersebut, customer akan dapat menukarkan point rewards yang dimiliki menjadi Gift Voucher Mall Centre Point,” tutur Liany Simatupang.
Progam redemption rewards ini akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 18-31 Januari 2025 dengan syarat dan ketentuan berlaku serta akan terdapat pembatasan slot penukaran di setiap harinya dalam program tersebut.
Program Reward khusus untuk pengunjung setia Mal Centre Point ini akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 18 dan 19Januari 2025 melalui program Shopping Marathon special A Joyus Chinese New Year 2025.
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Nantinya melalui pengaturan nilai transaksi pembelanjaan, customer akan berhak mendapatkan rewards dalam program ini, melalui pengaturan nilai transaksi dengan minimum transaksi Rp 350.000 untuk tenant food & beverage dan minimum Rp 500.000 untuk tenant fashion dan life style.
Customer nantinya akan berhak untuk mendapatkan loyalty voucher Mall Centre Point. Bagi customer yang memiliki transaksi pembelanjaan dengan nilai Rp 1.500.000 akan berhak untuk mendapatkan additional gift voucher. ***
Welcome Chinese New Year: Mall Center Point Prepares Special Ornaments, Barongsai Tonggak Attractions and Rewards Programs • — The largest shopping center in Medan City, Mall Center Point is ready to welcome the arrival of Chinese New Year by presenting various special ornaments and decorations.
Combined with a lighting concept, adding to the splendor of the Mall Center Point shopping center.
This splendor is clearly visible throughout the area of Mall Center Point, starting from the outer area which is greeted with a lantern parade to the inside of the mall with a maximum decoration display.
In a written statement, Wednesday, January 8, 2025, Mall Center Point General Manager, Liany Simatupang revealed that this year, Mall Center Point carries the theme A Joyous Chinese New Year.
“We always try our best to provide an experience to loyal visitors. We do this because apart from being a shopping destination, shopping centers are also tourist destinations for families in every big day celebration. And Mall Center Point is ready to welcome the big day,” he said.
In welcoming this year’s Chinese New Year, Mall Center Point is again holding a series of events with a special performance from the highly anticipated barongsai tiang attraction by the people of Medan City. This attraction will be presented by Mall Center Point on January 29 and February 2, 2025.
In the event, Mall Center Point also presents a series of exclusive activities in the form of Special Performance Wushu Taolu, Performance Guzheng, Mandarin Calligraphy. Then there is also a ballet, music and choir performance with a Chinese New Year nuance. The entire series of events will take place in the Main Atrium of Mall Center Point.
Not only attractions, Mall Center Point is also preparing a special Chinese New Year Rewards Program. Such as the Mobile Apps Rewards Program-Redemption Voucher. “Furthermore, on the Mall Center Point application, a voucher redemption program will be held, where in this program, customers will be able to exchange their reward points for Mall Center Point Gift Vouchers,” said Liany Simatupang.
This rewards redemption program will be held on January 18-31, 2025 with applicable terms and conditions and there will be a limit on redemption slots each day in the program
This special Reward Program for loyal visitors to Mall Center Point will be held on January 18 and 19, 2025 through the Shopping Marathon special A Joyus Chinese New Year 2025 program. Later, through the arrangement of the shopping transaction value, customers will be entitled to get rewards in this program, through the arrangement of the transaction value with a minimum transaction of IDR 350,000 for food & beverage tenants and a minimum of IDR 500,000 for fashion and lifestyle tenants.
Customers will later be entitled to get a Mall Center Point loyalty voucher. For customers who have a shopping transaction with a value of IDR 1,500,000 will be entitled to get an additional gift voucher. ***