Perayaan Chinese New Year di Mall Centre Point | Vinkoo Jakarta Fest Dipadati Pengunjung • — Perayaan Chinese New Year di Mall Centre Point turut dimeriahkan dengan festival kuliner dan bazar ekshibisi. Ribuan pengunjung yang berada di pusat perbelanjaan tersebut terlihat antusias dan memadati ajang Vinkoo Jakarta Fest.
General Manager Mall Centre Point, Liany Simatupang mengaku tak menyangka jika antusiasme pengunjung Mall Centre Point sangat besar terhadap event itu. “Vinkoo Jakarta Fest merupakan rangkaian dari perayaan Chinese New Year yang diadakan oleh Mall Centre Point,” ujar Liany Simatupang dalam keterangannya, Sabtu, 18 Januari 2025.
Event yang diadakan dari tanggal 15-19 Januari 2025, menampilkan dua kegiatan utama yakni festival kuliner dan bazar. Berbagai menu makanan dan minuman serta aneka produk hadir dalam festival itu.
Antusiasme pengunjung tersebut terlihat saat mereka mendatangi outlet yang ada, baik yang di festival kuliner maupun bazar ekshibisi. Menariknya, para tenant yang mengikuti Vinkoo Festival Fest tersebut merupakan kalangan pelaku usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) ini, seperti Perfect Kitchen, Tjia Kitchen, Sapi Iga Bakar, Happy Chakwe, Meelife Panmee, Sin Hwa Char Koeh Teow dan lainya, sementara untuk Bazar ekshibisi terlihat 3mongkies, Regan Harney, Lencir dan Anonymous Bag.
Liany Simatupang menambahkan, untuk menjaga kenyamanan pengunjung, pihaknya membagi tempat penyelenggaraan Vinkoo Jakarta Fest di dua lokasi yang berdekatan. “Untuk kegiatan bazar exhibition kita adakan di atrium, sedangkan event festival kuliner berlangsung di area City Walk Mall Centre Point. Sehingga dengan demikian, kenyamanan dan keamanan pengunjung tetap terjaga,” jelasnya.
Liany Simatupang memberikan apresiasi kepada pengunjung dan para tenan dari Vinkoo Jakarta Fest tersebut. “Terimakasih sebesar-besarnya kami sampaikan kepada para pengunjung setia. Semoga apa yang kami persiapkan ini dapat memenuhi kebutuhan seluruh pengunjung,” lanjutnya.
Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Liany Simatupang juga memperkenalkan Ricky Anggriawan selaku CEO dari Vinkoo Bazar Jakarta Festival dan Vincentia Laksono selaku Head Marketing dari Vinkoo Jakarta Festival.
“Vinkoo Jakarta Fest telah menyelenggarakan special event pop up bazar market dan kuliner festival dari tahun 2015. Dari seluruh road show yang kami lakukan, Mall Centre Point menjadi Venue yang yang mendapatkan atensi luar biasa baik dari tenant participant dan customer. Kami bersyukur bisa bersinergi dengan Mall Centre Point melalui Campaign A Joyful Chinese New Year 2025 dalam penyelenggaraan acara ini,” ujar Ricky.
Liany Simatupang juga menambahkan, ajang tersebut merupakan salah satu bentuk dukungan dari Mall Centre Point terhadap pelaku UMKM.
Dirinya menegaskan, sangat banyak UMKM yang memiliki produk berkualitas tinggi dengan packaging yang baik sehingga mampu bersaing dengan brand- brand nasional dan internasional, guna untuk mendukung UMKM.
Karena itu, tegasnya, keberadaan UMKM ini harus didukung penuh agar pelaku usaha ini bisa menghasilkan produk berkelanjutan. “Kami rasa dengan acara yang baik, promosi yang baik dan produk yang baik, kami yakin akan sukses, dengan ruang bisnis yang disediakan pihak event organizer semoga dapat melengkapi kebutuhan pengunjung setia kami,” harapnya.
Para pelaku UMKM yang mengikuti acara exhibition bazar di antaranya ada yang dari Jakarta, Surabaya, dan Malang. Sementara untuk festival kuliner ada yang berasal dari Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung. Beragamnya pelaku UMKM yang ada membuat pilihan menu dan produk yang tersedia sangat beragam.
Salah satu tenant yakni Mr Bakwan memberikan apresiasi atas ramainya pengunjung. UMKM yang bergerak dibidang kuliner itu tak menyangka jika pengunjung yang hadir sangat banyak.
“Kita gembira atas atensi dari pengunjung yang tetap hadir, meskipun kondisi cuaca dalam beberapa hari terakhir kerap turun hujan baik di pagi hari dan malam hari,” ungkap.
Hal senada juga dikatakan Eva dari Mie Ciamee. Dirinya sangat gembira dengan antusiasme pengunjung. “Semoga acara seperti ini bisa terus berlanjut, agar kami dapat memiliki ruang dan mampu bersaing. Sehingga UMKM yang ada ini bisa menjadi UMKM yang unggul dengan produk yang unggul juga,” harapnya. ***
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Chinese New Year Celebration at Centre Point Mall | Vinkoo Jakarta Fest Crowded with Visitors • — The Chinese New Year celebration at Mall Center Point was also enlivened by a culinary festival and exhibition bazaar. Thousands of visitors at the shopping center looked enthusiastic and crowded the Vinkoo Jakarta Fest event.
Mall Center Point General Manager, Liany Simatupang admitted that she did not expect the enthusiasm of Mall Center Point visitors to be so great for the event. “Vinkoo Jakarta Fest is a series of Chinese New Year celebrations held by Mall Center Point,” said Liany Simatupang in her statement, Saturday, January 18, 2025.
The event, which was held from January 15-19, 2025, featured two main activities, namely a culinary festival and a bazaar. Various food and beverage menus as well as various products were present at the festival.
The enthusiasm of the visitors was seen when they visited the existing outlets, both at the culinary festival and the exhibition bazaar. Interestingly, the tenants who participated in the Vinkoo Festival Fest were micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), such as Perfect Kitchen, Tjia Kitchen, Sapi Iga Bakar, Happy Chakwe, Meelife Panmee, Sin Hwa Char Koeh Teow and others, while for the exhibition bazaar, 3mongkies, Regan Harney, Lencir and Anonymous Bag were seen.
Liany Simatupang added, to maintain visitor comfort, her party divided the Vinkoo Jakarta Fest venue into two adjacent locations. “For the exhibition bazaar activity, we held it in the atrium, while the culinary festival event took place in the City Walk Mall Center Point area. So that the comfort and safety of visitors are maintained,” she explained.
Liany Simatupang expressed her appreciation to the visitors and tenants of the Vinkoo Jakarta Fest. “We express our deepest gratitude to loyal visitors. Hopefully what we have prepared can meet the needs of all visitors,” she continued.
On that occasion, Liany Simatupang also introduced Ricky Anggriawan as CEO of Vinkoo Bazar Jakarta Festival and Vincentia Laksono as Head Marketing of Vinkoo Jakarta Festival.
“Vinkoo Jakarta Fest has held a special event pop up bazaar market and culinary festival since 2015. From all the road shows that we have done, Mall Center Point is the Venue that gets extraordinary attention from both tenant participants and customers. “We are grateful to be able to synergize with Mall Center Point through the A Joyful Chinese New Year 2025 Campaign in organizing this event,” said Ricky.
Liany Simatupang also added that the event was a form of support from Mall Center Point for MSMEs.
She emphasized that there are many MSMEs that have high-quality products with good packaging so that they are able to compete with national and international brands, in order to support MSMEs.
Therefore, she emphasized, the existence of these MSMEs must be fully supported so that these business actors can produce sustainable products. “We think that with a good event, good promotion and good products, we are sure that we will be successful, with the business space provided by the event organizer, hopefully it can fulfill the needs of our loyal visitors,” she hoped.
The MSME actors who participated in the exhibition bazaar event included those from Jakarta, Surabaya, and Malang. Meanwhile, for the culinary festival, there were those from Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung. The variety of MSME actors available made the choice of menus and products available very diverse.
One of the tenants, Mr. Bakwan, expressed his appreciation for the large number of visitors. The UMKM engaged in the culinary sector did not expect that there would be so many visitors.
“We are happy with the attention of visitors who still attend, even though the weather conditions in the last few days have often rained both in the morning and evening,” he said.
Eva from Mie Ciamee said the same thing. She was very happy with the enthusiasm of the visitors. “Hopefully events like this can continue, so that we can have space and be able to compete. So that the existing UMKM can become superior UMKM with superior products too,” he hoped. ***
Perayaan Chinese New Year di Mall Centre Point | Vinkoo Jakarta Fest Dipadati Pengunjung