STIK-P Medan Raih Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi ‘Baik’

STIK-P Medan Raih Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi ‘Baik’

STIK-P Medan Raih Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi ‘Baik’ | — Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi Pembangunan (STIK-P) Medan meraih akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi ‘Baik’. Akreditasi tersebut berlaku mulai 21 Mei 2024 sampai 21 Mei 2029.

Keputusan tersebut tertuang dalam Surat Keputusan Direktur Eksekutif Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi dengan nomor 1082/SK/BAN-PT/Ak/PT/V/2024.

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Ketua STIK-P Medan, Dr H Sakhyan Asmara MSP, mengaku bersyukur karena ini akreditasi perguruan tinggi. Artinya, STIK-P sudah secara baik melaksanakan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yang terdiri atas pendidikan dan pengajaran, penelitian serta pengabdian kepada masyarakat.

“Dengan akreditasi ini juga artinya pemerintah melalui BAN-PT mengakui eksistensi STIK-P sebagai lembaga pendidikan tinggi. Tentu saya dan civitas akademika STIK-P sangat bersyukur atas akreditasi ini dan berharap ke depannya bisa meraih predikat tertinggi yakni unggul,” terang Sakhyan, Minggu (2/6).

Dijelaskan terkait akreditasi perguruan tinggi ini, Sakhyan menambahkan masih terdapat beberapa kampus di Sumatera Utara yang dalam proses penilaian, terlebih untuk sekolah tinggi.

“Artinya, ini sesuatu yang positif bagi STIK-P dan diharapkan dapat menjadi motivasi bagi civitas akademika STIK-P untuk lebih meningkatkan kinerja untuk mencapai prestasi yang lebih baik ke depan,” tambahnya.

Diakui, proses akreditasi ini bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah, melainkan melalui proses panjang. Mulai dari pengisian borang, mengajukan ke BAN-PT hingga dilakukan penilaian lapangan atau akreditasi lapangan oleh asesor BAN-PT, yakni Dr Mite Setiansah dan Dr Peni Sawitri.

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Kedua asesor menilai capaian STIK-P selama tiga tahun terakhir berdasarkan sembilan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan. Di antaranya, Akreditasi Prodi Komunikasi dengan Predikat Baik yang berlaku hingga tahun 2027, menerbitkan jurnal ilmiah online ”Communique” yang sudah memasuki edisi ke-11 (Tahun ke-6 volume 1).

Selain itu, kerja sama dengan beberapa lembaga seperti Universiti Sains Malaysia, Perhumas Sumatera Utara, Lembaga Pers Dokter Soetomo (LPDS), Image Dynamics Communication Consultant, PT Agincourt Resources, Dewan Kehormatan Provinsi PWI Sumut, PWI Sumut, dan lainnya. Pada Februari 2023 lalu, STIK-P pun dipercaya LPDS sebagai lokasi penyelenggaraan Uji Kompetensi Wartawan (UKW) serangkaian dengan Hari Pers Nasional (HPN).

STIK-P pun ikut serta dalam program-program pemerintah untuk memberi kemudahan kepada mahasiswa. Antara lain, Kartu Indonesia Pintar, Program Uang Kuliah Tunggal, dan menerima bantuan peralatan olahraga untuk mahasiswa.

“Telah menghasilkan 925 sarjana, para lulusan STIK-P telah bekerja di berbagai instansi dan lembaga baik pemerintah maupun swasta, menjadi anggota DPRD, KPID, KI Sumut, Bawaslu, wartawan hingga pimpinan di hampir semua media massa di Sumatera Utara serta berbagai profesi lainnya,” tutupnya. ***

google translate

STIK-P Medan Achieves ‘Good’ Higher Education Accreditation | — The Medan College of Development Communication Sciences (STIK-P) achieved ‘Good’ Higher Education accreditation. This accreditation is valid from May 21, 2024 to May 21, 2029.

This decision is contained in the Decree of the Executive Director of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Number: 1082/SK/BAN-PT/Ak/PT/V/2024.

The Chair of STIK-P Medan, Dr H Sakhyan Asmara MSP, said he was grateful because this was accreditation for higher education. This means that STIK-P has properly implemented the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which consists of education and teaching, research and community service.

“This accreditation also means that the government, through BAN-PT, recognizes the existence of STIK-P as a higher education institution. “Of course I and the STIK-P academic community are very grateful for this accreditation and hope that in the future we can achieve the highest title, namely excellence,” explained Sakhyan, Sunday (2/6).

Explaining the accreditation of this university, Sakhyan added that there are still several campuses in North Sumatra that are in the assessment process, especially for high schools.

“This means that this is something positive for STIK-P and it is hoped that it can be a motivation for the STIK-P academic community to further improve their performance to achieve better achievements in the future,” he added.

It is acknowledged that this accreditation process is not easy, but rather a long process. Starting from filling out the form, submitting it to BAN-PT to conducting a field assessment or field accreditation by BAN-PT assessors, namely Dr Mite Setiansah and Dr Peni Sawitri.

The two assessors assessed the achievements of STIK-P over the last three years based on nine predetermined criteria. Among them, Accreditation of the Communication Study Program with a Good Predicate which is valid until 2027, publishing the online scientific journal “Communique” which has entered its 11th edition (6th year volume 1).

Apart from that, collaboration with several institutions such as Universiti Sains Malaysia, Perhumas North Sumatra, Soetomo Doctors’ Press Institute (LPDS), Image Dynamics Communication Consultant, PT Agincourt Resources, PWI North Sumatra Provincial Honorary Council, PWI North Sumatra, and others. In February 2023, STIK-P was trusted by LPDS as the location for holding the Journalist Competency Test (UKW) in series with National Press Day (HPN).

STIK-P also participates in government programs to provide convenience to students. These include the Smart Indonesia Card, the Single Tuition Fee Program, and receiving sports equipment assistance for students.

“Having produced 925 graduates, STIK-P graduates have worked in various government and private agencies and institutions, becoming members of DPRD, KPID, KI North Sumatra, Bawaslu, journalists and leaders in almost all mass media in North Sumatra and various other professions, ” he concluded. ***


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