Gubernur Edy Rahmayadi Apresiasi PT Musim Mas dan GAPKI

Gubernur Edy Rahmayadi Apresiasi PT Musim Mas dan GAPKI

Gubernur Edy Rahmayadi Apresiasi PT Musim Mas dan GAPKI | Gubernur Sumatera Utara (Sumut) Edy Rahmayadi mengapresiasi PT Musim Mas bersama Gabungan Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (GAPKI) Sumut atas perhatiannya memberikan bantuan 20.000 liter minyak goreng, yang nantinya akan disalurkan pada masyarakat terdampak Covid-19.

Bacaan Lainnya


Hal tersebut disampaikan Gubernur Edy Rahmayadi saat menerima secara simbolis bantuan tersebut di Rumah Dinas Gubernur Jalan Sudirman Nomor 41 Medan, Senin, 20 September 2021).

Hadir di antaranya, Ketua GAPKI Sumut Alexander Maha, General Manager Corporate Affair Musim Mas Gunawan Siregar serta lainnya.

Diharapkan perusahaan lainnya yang ada di Sumut dapat termotivasi untuk turut serta memberikan bantuan pada masyarakat.

“Dengan kondisi seperti saat ini, kita mengucapkan terima kasih atas bantuan dan perhatian pengusaha pada masyarakat,” ujar Gubsu.

Dia pun berharap kegiatan ini dapat terus dilakukan agar masyarakat terbantu dan menjadi motivasi bagi yang lainnya.



PT TPL Dukung Penanganan Covid-19 Nasional di Sumut

Ketua GAPKI Sumut Alexander Maha mengatakan aksi peduli korporasi melalui GAPKI tersebut merupakan bagian dana dari Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) perusahaan, sebagai wujud kepedulian dan tanggung jawab sosial terhadap kondisi masyarakat sekitar yang terkena dampak pandemi Covid-19.

“Untuk itulah GAPKI bersama Musim Mas yang menyalurkan bantuan CSR ini, yang diharapkan dapat mengurangi beban masyarakat terdampak Covid-19,” katanya.

Sementara itu, General Manager Corporate Affair Musim Mas Gunawan Siregar mengatakan bantuan minyak goreng ini merupakan hasil produksi Musim Mas dengan merek M&M.

“Ini kita sampaikan ke Gubernur untuk disampaikan pada masyarakat. Dengan pandemi ini, kita merasa turut prihatin dengan kondisi ekonomi yang susah, dan dengan bantuan ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi beban masyarakat dalam kebutuhan rumah tangga,” katanya.***

Google Translate

Governor Edy Rahmayadi Appreciates PT Musim Mas and GAPKI | North Sumatra (North Sumatra) Governor Edy Rahmayadi appreciated PT Musim Mas and the North Sumatran Indonesian Palm Oil Association (GAPKI) for their attention in providing 20,000 liters of cooking oil, which will later be distributed to communities affected by Covid-19.

This was conveyed by Governor Edy Rahmayadi when symbolically receiving the assistance at the Governor’s Office House Jalan Sudirman Number 41 Medan, Monday, September 20, 2021).

Present among them were the Chairman of North Sumatra’s GAPKI Alexander Maha, General Manager of Corporate Affairs Musim Mas Gunawan Siregar and others.

It is hoped that other companies in North Sumatra can be motivated to participate in providing assistance to the community.

“With the current conditions, we thank the businessmen for their help and attention to the community,” said the Governor.

He also hopes that this activity can continue to be carried out so that the community is helped and becomes a motivation for others.

North Sumatra GAPKI chairman Alexander Maha said the corporate care action through GAPKI was part of the funds from the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), as a form of concern and social responsibility for the condition of the surrounding community affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“For this reason, GAPKI and Musim Mas are distributing this CSR assistance, which is expected to reduce the burden on the community affected by Covid-19,” he said.

Meanwhile, General Manager Corporate Affairs of Musim Mas, Gunawan Siregar, said that this cooking oil donation was produced by Musim Mas under the M&M brand.

“We convey this to the Governor to convey to the community. With this pandemic, we feel sorry for the difficult economic conditions, and with this assistance, we hope to reduce the burden on the community in household needs,” he said.***





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