Telkomsel Tawarkan Paket Internet Super Seru Kuota Besar Sesuai Kebutuhan Pelanggan

Telkomsel Tawarkan Paket Internet Super Seru Kuota Besar Sesuai Kebutuhan Pelanggan

Telkomsel Tawarkan Paket Internet Super Seru Kuota Besar Sesuai Kebutuhan Pelanggan • — Telkomsel merilis paket kuota Internet Super Seru, paket dengan tawaran kuota lebih banyak untuk memberikan pengalaman seru kepada pelanggan dalam memanfaatkan layanan internet di jaringan handal Telkomsel 4G/LTE.

Pada paket data Internet Super Seru terdapat berbagai pilihan kuota sesuai kebutuhan pelanggan mulai dari puluhan hingga ratusan gigabyte.

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General Manager Consumer Business Region Sumbagut Telkomsel, Agung E Setyobudi mengatakan, Telkomsel menyediakan berbagai pilihan paket internet dengan kuota lebih besar yang sesuai kebutuhan pelanggan.

Untuk mendapatkannya, pelanggan cukup melakukan pembelian paket Super Seru melalui aplikasi MyTelkomsel, outlet terdekat atau berbagai channel lainnya.

“Dengan hadirnya paket Super Seru ini kami ingin memberikan pengalaman yang lebih leluasa kepada para pelanggan termasuk di wilayah operasional Sumatera Utara dan Aceh dalam mendukung gaya hidup digital seperti live streaming video & music, akses media sosial, gaming, chatting dan lainnya,” katanya.

Paket #SuperSeru yang ditawarkan memiliki berbagai varian paket, dimana pelanggan dapat memilih paket sesuai kebutuhan dari tawaran paket yang disajikan, Paket ini dapat dibeli pelanggan melalui aplikasi MyTelkomsel, Outlet terdekat (DigiPOS), UMB *363# dan channel penjualan lainnya.

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Berbagai penawaran kuota Internet Super Seru dapat di peroleh pelangan dengan quota lebih besar dengan harga beragam sesuai kebutuhan pelanggan mulai dari 20GB dengan harga paket 50 ribu rupiah yang berlaku selama 28 hari.

Selain itu, terdapat paket Super Seru dengan kuota besar hingga 450GB. Untuk pelanggan yang belum memiliki aplikasi MyTelkomsel, dapat melakukan download di Play Store dan App Store.

Pembelian paket dapat dilakukan selama 24 Jam, dimana pembelian pada paket Internet #SuperSeru juga dapat dilakukan hingga 5 kali dalam satu periode masa aktif, terhitung dari aktivasi paket yang pertama.

Pelanggan juga bisa melakukan pembelian paket di semua kota serta untuk penawaran Paket Internet Super Seru dapat berbeda untuk setiap pelanggan, tergantung pada kebutuhan dan profile pelanggan yang akan melakukan pembelian paket. ***

google translate

Telkomsel Offers Super Fun Internet Packages with Large Quotas According to Customer Needs • — Telkomsel has released the Super Fun Internet quota package, a package with a larger quota offer to provide customers with an exciting experience in utilizing internet services on the reliable Telkomsel 4G/LTE network.

In the Super Fun Internet data package, there are various quota options according to customer needs ranging from tens to hundreds of gigabytes.

General Manager of the Sumbagut Telkomsel Consumer Business Region, Agung E Setyobudi said that Telkomsel provides various internet package options with larger quotas that suit customer needs.

To get it, customers simply need to purchase the Super Fun package through the MyTelkomsel application, the nearest outlet or various other channels.

“With the presence of this Super Fun package, we want to provide a more flexible experience to customers, including in the operational areas of North Sumatra and Aceh, in supporting a digital lifestyle such as live streaming video & music, accessing social media, gaming, chatting and others,” he said.

The #SuperSeru package offered has various package variants, where customers can choose a package according to their needs from the package offers presented, this package can be purchased by customers through the MyTelkomsel application, the nearest outlet (DigiPOS), UMB * 363 # and other sales channels.

Various Super Seru Internet quota offers can be obtained by customers with larger quotas at various prices according to customer needs starting from 20GB with a package price of 50 thousand rupiah which is valid for 28 days.

In addition, there is a Super Seru package with a large quota of up to 450GB. For customers who do not have the MyTelkomsel application, they can download it from the Play Store and App Store.

Package purchases can be made for 24 hours, where purchases on the #SuperSeru Internet package can also be made up to 5 times in one active period, starting from the first package activation.

Customers can also make package purchases in all cities and the Super Seru Internet Package offer can be different for each customer, depending on the needs and profile of the customer who will purchase the package. ***


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