Hujan Cashback di Indodax | Deposit Pakai OVO Cashback 90%

Hujan Cashback di Indodax Deposit Pakai OVO Cashback 90%

Hujan Cashback di Indodax | Deposit Pakai OVO Cashback 90% | — Ada kabar promo terbaru dari Indodax, platform jual beli (marketplace) aset kripto di Indonesia. Anda bisa mendapatkan 90% cashback berupa OVO Points untuk semua pengguna yang melakukan deposit di Indodax melalui OVO.

Periode promo berlangsung dari 1-16 Desember 2021 dengan transaksi minimal Rp10.000 menggunakan OVO, pengguna mendapatkan cashback 90% berupa OVO Points (maksimal 9.000 OVO poin).

Kuota promo per hari adalah 250 pengguna OVO. Cashback berupa OVO Points akan otomatis ditambahkan ke akun OVO pengguna yang melakukan transaksi sesuai Deskripsi Program di platform Indodax (website dan aplikasi).

Satu pengguna OVO hanya bisa mendapatkan 1x promo cashback selama periode promo. Cashback berupa OVO Points (1 OVO Points = Rp1). Cashback akan dikirimkan paling lambat 3×24 jam.


Bacaan Lainnya


Jika cashback berupa OVO Points tidak diterima setelah transaksi berhasil, harap laporkan ke CS OVO di 1500 696 (24 Jam).

Promo hujan cashback di Indodax terbatas sesuai kuota yang diberikan. Dan OVO berhak membatalkan OVO Points yang telah diberikan jika ditemukan kecurangan dalam pelaksanaan promo cashback ini.

Syarat dan ketentuan promo cashback ini dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu. OVO juga berhak mengubah atau menghentikan promo sewaktu-waktu dengan pemberitahuan tertulis sebelumnya kepada Indodax.

Promo ini tidak berlaku untuk pengguna yang melakukan refund selama periode promo.



Cara deposit menggunakan OVO melalui website

  • Masuk ke akun Indodax Anda
  • Masuk ke menu “Dompet”, pilih “Rupiah”
  • Klik “Saya Mengerti, Lanjutkan Deposit”
  • Masukkan “Jumlah Deposit”
  • Pada “Sumber Dana”, pilih “Uang Elektronik” lalu klik “Lanjutkan”
  • Pastikan nomor handphone kamu sudah terdaftar di OVO dan memiliki saldo yang cukup
    Indodax akan mengirimkan notifikasi pembayaran ke akun OVO Anda sesuai dengan jumlah deposit setelah Anda mengklik tombol “Bayar”
  • Indodax akan memotong 1,5% dari jumlah deposit Anda untuk biaya layanan
  • Anda akan menerima setoran sebesar jumlah setoran dikurangi biaya layanan
  • Proses akan dibatalkan secara otomatis jika pembayaran tidak diterima dalam waktu 30 detik

Cara deposit menggunakan OVO melalui Indodax Mobile App:

Ayo deposit di Indodax dengan OVO dan dapatkan cashbackmu sekarang! ***



Google Translate


Cashback Rain at Indodax | Deposit Using OVO Cashback 90% | — There is the latest promo news from Indodax, the crypto asset trading platform in Indonesia. You can get 90% cashback in the form of OVO Points for all users who make deposits at Indodax via OVO!

The promo period lasts from December 1-16, 2021 with a minimum transaction of IDR 10,000 using OVO, users get 90% cashback in the form of OVO Points (maximum 9,000 OVO points).

The promo quota per day is 250 OVO users. Cashback in the form of OVO Points will be automatically added to the OVO account of users who make transactions according to the Program Description on the Indodax platform (website and application).

One OVO user can only get 1x cashback promo during the promo period. Cashback in the form of OVO Points (1 OVO Points = Rp1). Cashback will be sent no later than 3×24 hours.


If the cashback in the form of OVO Points is not received after the transaction is successful, please report it to CS OVO at 1500 696 (24 Hours).

The cashback rain promo at Indodax is limited according to the quota given. And OVO has the right to cancel the OVO Points that have been given if fraud is found in the implementation of this cashback promo.

The terms and conditions of this cashback promo may change at any time. OVO also has the right to change or stop the promo at any time with prior written notification to Indodax.

This promo is not valid for users who make refunds during the promo period.



How to deposit using OVO via the website:

  • Log in to your Indodax account
  • Go to the “Wallet” menu, select “Rupiah”
  • Click “I understand, continue deposit”
  • Enter “Deposit Amount”
  • In “Source of Funds”, select “Electronic Money” then click “Continue”
  • Make sure your mobile number is registered with OVO and has sufficient balance
  • Indodax will send a payment notification to your OVO account according to the deposit amount after you click the “Pay” button
  • Indodax will deduct 1.5% from your deposit amount for service fee
  • You will receive a deposit equal to the deposit amount minus the service fee
  • Process will be canceled automatically if payment is not received within 30 seconds

How to deposit using OVO via the Indodax Mobile App:

Come on, deposit at Indodax with OVO and get your cashback now! ***






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