Wagub Dorong APERSI Kembangkan Rumah Subsidi di Sumut

Wagub Dorong APERSI Kembangkan Rumah Subsidi di Sumut
Ketua DPD Apersi Sumut Iwan Ray menyerahkan cenderamata kepada Regional Consumer Business Head Bank BRI Riadi Arief disaksikan Wagub Sumut, Musa.

Wagub Dorong APERSI Kembangkan Rumah Subsidi di Sumut | OBROLANBISNIS.com — Wakil Gubernur Sumatera Utara (Wagub Sumut), Musa Rajekshah mendorong Asosiasi Pengembang Perumahan dan Pemukiman Seluruh Indonesia (Apersi) mengembangkan program pembangunan perumahan bersubsidi di Sumatera Utara.

“Sebelumnya, rekan-rekan dari Apersi sudah melakukan audiensi. Apersi menyampaikan berbagai hambatan yang dihadapi dan berharap adanya sinergi dengan pemerintah daerah dalam hal ini Pemerintah Sumut,” ujar Wagub Musa saat membuka Rakerda DPD Apersi Sumut di Ballroom Convention Hall Four Point Hotel Medan, Selasa, 8 November 2022.

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Menurut Wagub, terkait harapan Apersi terhadap dukungan pemerintah daerah untuk penyediaan fasilitas umum seperti akses jalan menuju perumahan juga soal pajak daerah, pihaknya akan membahas masalah ini bersama pemerintah kabupaten dan kota di Sumut melalui Bupati dan Walikota.

“Pemprov Sumut dalam kesempatan ini juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Apersi atas sumbangsihnya mendukung program pemerintah dalam penyediakan perumahan bersubsidi bagi masyarakat kurang mampu. Kita harapkan warga Sumut ke depan bisa punya tempat tinggal yang layak, sehingga ekonominya bisa meningkat,” ucap Wagub.

Wagub Musa juga berharap, Rakerda Apersi dapat berjalan lancar dalam menyusun program kerja ke depan. “Harapan kita ke depan masyarakat di seluruh kabupaten/kota di Sumut bisa memiliki hunian yang layak dan ini tidak terlepas peran Apersi,” tambahnya.

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Ketua Umum DPP Apersi, Junaidi Abdillah berharap, kehadiran Wagub Musa dalam Rakerda Apersi Sumut menjadi sinyal postif adanya perhatian pemerintah terhadap para pengembang perumahan bersubsidi di daerah ini.

“Salah satu perhatian dan dukungan yang kita harapkan dari pemerintah daerah adalah sarana dan prasana umum. Karena bagaimana pun, margin pengembang perumahan bersubsidi ini sangat kecil dan sudah tiga tahun tidak ada penyesuain harga. Sehingga dukungan perintah daerah sangat dibutuhkan karena program perumahan bersubsidi ini kepentingan rakyat kecil,” katanya.

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Junaidi Abdillah bersyukur di saat sektor properti terdampak pandemi Covid-19, dimana penjualan properti mengalami penurunan tajam di semua segmen baik kelas bawah maupun kelas atas, tapi rumah subsidi mampu bertahan.

Hal ini karena faktor-fakto utama yang menjadi penopang atas tren positif kinerja segmen rumah bersubsidi. Di antaranya karena konsumen masih antusias terutama di daerah.



“Juga karena adanya realisasi anggaran stimulus Subsidi Selisih Bunga (SSB) dan Subsidi Bantuan Uang Muka (SBUM). Hal itulah membuat segmen rumah subsidi mampu bertahan di tengah kondisi ekonomi sulit akibat pandemi Covid-19,” ucapnya.

Sementara itu, Ketua DPD Apersi Sumut, H Irwansyah Putra SE berharap perhatian dan dukungan pemerintah daerah dalam penyediakan fasilitas sarana umum yang menggunakan dana APBD, namun saat ini nilainya dikurangi.

“Itu yang pertama. Kedua kita berharap terkait biaya perolehan tanah dan hak bangunan (BPTHB) yang nilainya mencapai 5 persen di kabupaten/kota. Harapan kita Wagubsu bisa membicarakan ini dengan kabupaten/kota agar BPTHB-nya tidak 5 persen, semisal 2 persen. Karena ini tanggungan masyarakat jadi jangan sampai memberatkan,” katanya.

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Rakerda DPD Apersi Sumut diikuti 100 peserta dari jumlah total anggota Apersi Sumut 193 peserta. Rakerda juga mengagendakan pembentukan panitia Musda Apersi Sumut yang akan berlangsung dalam waktu dekat. ***

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Deputy Governor Encourages APERSI to Develop Subsidized Housing in North Sumatra | OBROLANBISNIS.com — The Deputy Governor of North Sumatra, Musa Rajekshah, has encouraged the Association of Indonesian Housing and Settlement Developers (Apersi) to develop a subsidized housing development program in North Sumatra.

“Previously, colleagues from Apersi had held hearings. Apersi conveyed the various obstacles faced and hoped that there would be synergy with the regional government, in this case the North Sumatran Government,” said Deputy Governor Musa when opening the North Sumatra DPD Apersi Regional Working Meeting at the Ballroom Convention Hall Four Point Hotel Medan, Tuesday, November 8, 2022.

According to the Deputy Governor, regarding Apersi’s expectations for local government support for the provision of public facilities such as road access to housing as well as local taxes, his party will discuss this issue with the district and city governments in North Sumatra through the Regent and Mayor.

“The North Sumatra Provincial Government on this occasion also thanked Apersi for its contribution to supporting the government’s program in providing subsidized housing for the underprivileged. We hope that North Sumatran residents in the future can have a decent place to live, so that their economy can improve,” said the Deputy Governor.

Deputy Governor Musa also hopes that the Apersi Regional Work Meeting can run smoothly in preparing future work programs. “We hope that in the future, people in all regencies/cities in North Sumatra can have decent housing and this cannot be separated from the role of Apersi,” he added.

The General Chairperson of the Apersi DPP, Junaidi Abdillah, hopes that the presence of Deputy Governor Musa in the North Sumatra Regional Working Meeting will be a positive signal of the government’s attention to subsidized housing developers in this area.

“One of the concerns and support that we expect from the local government is public facilities and infrastructure. After all, the margin for subsidized housing developers is very small and there has been no price adjustment for three years. So support for regional orders is needed because the subsidized housing program is of interest little people,” he said.



Junaidi Abdillah was grateful when the property sector was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, where property sales experienced a sharp decline in all segments, both lower and upper class, but subsidized housing was able to survive.

This is due to the main factors that support the positive trend in the performance of the subsidized housing segment. One of them is because consumers are still enthusiastic, especially in the regions.

“Also because of the realization of the Interest Difference Subsidy (SSB) and Advance Payment Assistance (SBUM) stimulus budget. This has made the subsidized housing segment able to survive in the midst of difficult economic conditions due to the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of North Sumatra’s DPD Apersi, H Irwansyah Putra SE hopes for the attention and support of the local government in providing public facilities using APBD funds, but the value is currently being reduced.

“That’s the first. Second, we hope that it is related to the cost of acquiring land and building rights (BPTHB) whose value reaches 5 percent in regencies/cities. We hope that the Deputy Governor can discuss this with regencies/cities so that the BPTHB is not 5 percent, for example 2 percent. Because this is the responsibility of the community so don’t make it burdensome,” he said.

The North Sumatra Regional Working Meeting of the North Sumatra Apparition was attended by 100 participants from the total 193 North Sumatran Apperice members. The Rakerda also has an agenda for the formation of the North Sumatra Musda Apersi committee which will take place in the near future. ***






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