Sold 70%, Vasaka The Reiz Condo Beri Kemudahan Bayar 20 Juta Siap Huni

Sold 70%, Vasaka The Reiz Condo Beri Kemudahan Bayar 20 Juta Siap Huni

Sold 70%, Vasaka The Reiz Condo Beri Kemudahan Bayar 20 Juta Siap Huni | — Vasaka the Reiz Condo merupakan apartemen yang didevelop oleh PT Waskita Karya Realty, anak perusahaan dari PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk yang berlokasi di Jalan Tembakau Deli nomor 1 Medan.

Vasaka the Reiz Condo hadir untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hunian (tempat tinggal) prestisius bagi warga kota Medan.

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Memasuki semester pertama tahun 2023, hunian apartemen Vasaka the Reiz Condo di Medan telah mencapai penjualan (sold) 70%.

Capaian prestasi menggembirakan ini mendorong manajemen PT Waskita Karya Realty menawarkan kesempatan bagi masyarakat untuk memiliki unit yang masih tersedia dengan berbagai kemudahan menarik.

Salah satunya adalah cukup membayar booking fee senilai 20 juta rupiah, sudah dapat memiliki apartemen di pusat kota Medan.

“Progres penjualan Vasaka the Reiz Condo sampai dengan Juni 2023 sudah berhasil mencapai 70%,” ungkap Project Director Vasaka the Reiz Condo, Rishan Kurnia kepada pers di Medan, Rabu, 12 Juli 2023.

Bacaan Lainnya

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Ia menambahkan, saat ini Vasaka the Reiz Condo telah jadi dan sudah siap dihuni.

Melalui paparannya, Vasaka The Reiz Condo merupakan hunian eksklusif yang mengusung konsep Fabulous Residence dilengkapi dengan fasilitas premium yang dibangun di atas lahan seluas 7.876 m2 dengan total 482 unit dan 28 lantai.

“Vasaka the Reiz Condo merupakan salah satu aset investasi maupun tempat tinggal terbaik saat ini di Kota Medan karena letaknya yang strategis tepat di pusat kota Medan,” ucap Rishan.

Rishan Kurnia menyebutkan, sejumlah keunggulan apartemen Vasaka the Reiz Condo. Selain mempunyai fasilitas standar seperti swimming pool, gym, dan playground, apartemen Vasaka The Reiz Condo juga memiliki fasilitas yang fabulous.

Sold 70%, Vasaka The Reiz Condo Beri Kemudahan Bayar 20 Juta Siap Huni-

Seperti Grand Lobby yang merupakan lobby apartemen terbesar dan terluas di Pusat Kota Medan yang juga dilengkapi oleh fasilitas meeting room, meeting lounge dan business center.

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Terdapat pula Sterling & Stellar Hanging Garden terletak di lantai 15, yang menjadi satu-satunya fasilitas Hanging Garden pertama di Kota Medan.

“Dilengkapi dengan library yang memiliki city view kota Medan yang sangat indah. Serta Stellar hanging garden yang merupakan fasilitas lounge untuk para penghuni Vasaka The Reiz Condo yang ingin mengadakan garden party,” sebutnya.

Vasaka The Reiz Condo juga menyediakan fasilitas parkir sebanyak 6 lantai dimana penghuni akan tetap mendapatkan ketersediaan lahan parkir bagi kendaraannya.

“Saat ini, Vasaka the Reiz Condo mempunyai program kemudahan bagi calon penghuni yaitu cicilan developer hingga 60x*, subsidi developer s/d Rp400 jutaan*, free biaya akad*, free smarthome* dan yang paling menarik cukup bayar booking fee 20 juta rupiah sudah bisa memiliki apartemen di pusat kota Medan,” ujar Rishan Kurnia.

Syarat dan Ketentuan berlaku. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi (+62)817-0023-333 via Whatsapp atau dapat mengunjungi website dan juga Instagram @vasakathereizcondo. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini dan wujudkan impian mempunyai hunian mewah Anda. ***

google translate

Sold 70%, Vasaka The Reiz Condo Gives Ease of Paying 20 Million Ready to Occupy | — Vasaka the Reiz Condo is an apartment developed by PT Waskita Karya Realty, a subsidiary of PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk which is located at Jalan Tobacco Deli number 1 Medan.

Vasaka the Reiz Condo is here to meet the needs of prestigious housing for Medan city residents.

Entering the first semester of 2023, the residential apartment Vasaka the Reiz Condo in Medan has sold 70%.

This encouraging achievement has encouraged the management of PT Waskita Karya Realty to offer opportunities for the public to own units that are still available with various attractive facilities.

One of them is simply paying a booking fee of 20 million rupiah, and you can already have an apartment in downtown Medan.

“The sales progress of Vasaka the Reiz Condo until June 2023 has reached 70%,” said Project Director of Vasaka the Reiz Condo, Rishan Kurnia to the press in Medan, Wednesday, July 12, 2023.

He added, currently Vasaka the Reiz Condo has been completed and is ready to be occupied.

Through his presentation, Vasaka The Reiz Condo is an exclusive residence that carries the concept of Fabulous Residence equipped with premium facilities built on an area of 7,876 m2 with a total of 482 units and 28 floors.

“Vasaka the Reiz Condo is one of the best investment assets and residences currently in the city of Medan because of its strategic location right in the center of Medan,” said Rishan.

Rishan Kurnia mentioned a number of advantages of the Vasaka the Reiz Condo apartment. Apart from having standard facilities such as a swimming pool, gym and playground, the Vasaka The Reiz Condo apartment also has fabulous facilities.

Such as the Grand Lobby which is the largest and widest apartment lobby in downtown Medan which is also equipped with meeting room facilities, meeting lounge and business center.

There is also a Sterling & Stellar Hanging Garden located on the 15th floor, which is the first and only Hanging Garden facility in Medan City.

“Equipped with a library that has a very beautiful city view of Medan. As well as a Stellar hanging garden which is a lounge facility for residents of Vasaka The Reiz Condo who want to hold a garden party,” he said.

Vasaka The Reiz Condo also provides 6 floors of parking facilities where residents will still get the availability of parking space for their vehicles.

“Currently, Vasaka the Reiz Condo has a convenience program for prospective residents, namely developer installments of up to 60x*, developer subsidies of up to IDR 400 million*, free contract fees*, free smarthome* and most interestingly, you only need to pay a booking fee of 20 million rupiah. can have an apartment in downtown Medan,” said Rishan Kurnia.

Terms and Conditions apply. For further information, you can contact (+62) 817-0023-333 via Whatsapp or you can visit the website and also Instagram @vasakathereizcondo. Don’t miss this opportunity and make your dream of owning a luxury home come true. ***



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