Bisnis Hari Ini: TPL Support Penuh Kejurnas Rally 2022

Bisnis Hari Ini: TPL Support Penuh Kejurnas Rally 2022

Bisnis Hari Ini: TPL Support Penuh Kejurnas Rally 2022 | — Perhelatan Danau Toba Rally yang berlangsung pada tanggal 5 – 7 Agustus 2022 di Kabupaten Simalungun Provinsi Sumatera Utara (Sumut), disupport penuh oleh PT Toba Pulp Lestari (TPL), Tbk.

Sebagai sponsor, TPL memfasilitasi lintasan rally sepanjang 132 kilometer di kawasan konsesi perusahaan, yang berlokasi di Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) TPL Sektor Aek Nauli, Kabupaten Simalungun.

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Direktur TPL, Anwar Lawden menuturkan, perusahaan bersyukur dan bangga dapat menjadi bagian dari event untuk memajukan pariwisata di Sumut, khususnya kawasan Danau Toba.

“Kami mendukung sepenuhnya kegiatan rally di kawasan konsesi perusahaan. Selama ini, TPL mengelola kawasan konsesi secara berkelanjutan dan hal itu mendorong potensi unggul lain dari konsesi untuk sport tourism,” sebut Anwar.


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Persiapan Kejurnas Rally 2022

Ikatan Motor Indonesia (IMI) Sumatera Utara (Sumut) sebagai panitia penyelenggara Kejuaraan Nasional (Kejurnas) Rally 2022 terus melakukan berbagai persiapan. IMI mengklaim kesiapan menyambut event sport tourism tersebut sudah mencapai 80% hingga hari ini.

Hal ini disampaikan Sekretaris Panitia Kejurnas Rally 2022, Edwin Nasution didampingi Ketua IMI Sumut, Harun Mustafa Nasution, usai Rapat Koordinasi Kesiapan Kejurnas Rally bersama Wakil Gubernur Sumut, Musa Rajekshah di Ruang Kerja Wagub Sumut, Kantor Gubernur, Jalan Diponegoro Medan, pekan lalu.

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“Kesiapan kita sudah sampai 80%, tinggal finishing di lintasan dan cetak-cetak brosur dan lainnya,” ujar Edwin Nasution.

Panitia, lanjut Edwin, juga menyiapkan berbagai kegiatan bakti sosial untuk membantu pemerintah dalam menurunkan angka stunting.

“Kami dalam acara ini juga akan melakukan baksos intervensi stop buang air besar sembarangan di Desa Sibaganding, Kecamatan Sipangan Bolon, dengan memberikan uang sebesar Rp500 ribu untuk material pembangunan jamban ke 489 KK. Selain itu juga nanti ada baksos pemberian alat pengeras suara ke masjid dan gereja,” ujarnya.



Sukseskan Kejurnas Rally 2022

Sementara itu, Wakil Gubernur Sumut, Musa Rajekshah yang akrab disapa Ijeck berharap, Kejurnas Rally Tahun 2022 bisa lebih baik dibandingkan Kejurnas Rally Tahun 2021 lalu.

Mengingat kegiatan ini juga menjadi satu persiapan menyambut Asian Pasific Rally Championship (APRC) yang akan diadakan di September 2022 dan World Rally Championship (WRC) di tahun 2023 mendatang.

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“Kejurnas ini akan jadi barometer APRC dan WRC mendatang. Kami mengharapkan kegiatan ini bisa lebih baik dari sebelumnya karena beberapa kawan-kawan perally mengaku sudah menyiapkan mobil rally-nya yang terbaru untuk bisa ikut kegiatan ini. Antusiasnya cukup besar,” katanya.

Lanjutnya, dukungan yang diberikan Pemerintah Sumut dan Pemerintah Pusat harus menjadi semangat bagi IMI sebagai penyelenggara. Ia juga berharap, IMI bisa terus berkomunikasi dengan IMI Pusat terkait WRC.



Selain itu, Ijeck juga meminta dukungan masyarakat khususnya yang berada di Kawasan Danau Toba terutama di kawasan HTI TPL untuk menyukseskan acara Kejurnas Rally 2022 karena kegiatan ini berdampak baik untuk pemulihkan ekonomi.

Ketua IMI Sumut Harun Mustafa juga menambahkan, pihaknya butuh dukungan dan komitmen dari semua pihak untuk menyukseskan Kejurnas Rally dan menghadirkan kembali WRC di Danau Toba.

“Ajang rally ini bakal memberi efek ganda bagi perekonomian masyarakat sekitar, khususnya di Kabupaten Simalungun dan kawasan Danau Toba. Untuk itu kami harap dukungan semua pihak dan kami juga ucapkan terima kasih kepada Pemprov Sumut dan semua pihak yang telah mendukung,” ucapnya.

Lintasan rally di kawasan HTI TPL Sektor Aek Nauli ini sebelumnya pernah menjadi lokasi untuk event internasional, yakni menjadi bagian lintasan SS pada World Rally Championship 1996 dan 1997, dan juga dipergunakan sebagai lintasan pada Kejurnas Rally tahun 2007, 2019 serta terakhir pada Kejurnas Rally 2021. ***

google translate

Business Today: TPL Full Supports 2022 Rally National Championship | — The Lake Toba Rally event which will take place on August 5-7, 2022 in Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province (Sumut), is fully supported by PT Toba Pulp Lestari (TPL), Tbk.

As a sponsor, TPL facilitates a 132 kilometer rally track in the company’s concession area, which is located in the TPL Aek Nauli Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI), Simalungun Regency.

Director of TPL, Anwar Lawden said, the company is grateful and proud to be part of the event to promote tourism in North Sumatra, especially the Lake Toba area.

“We fully support rally activities in the company’s concession area. So far, TPL has managed the concession area in a sustainable manner and this has encouraged other superior potentials from concessions for sport tourism,” said Anwar.



Preparation for the 2022 Rally National Championship

The Indonesian Motor Association (IMI) of North Sumatra (North Sumatra) as the organizing committee for the National Championship (Kejurnas) Rally 2022 continues to make various preparations. IMI claims that the readiness to welcome the sport tourism event has reached 80% to this day.

This was conveyed by the Secretary of the 2022 Rally National Championship Committee, Edwin Nasution accompanied by the Chair of the North Sumatra IMI, Harun Mustafa Nasution, after the Rally National Championship Preparedness Coordination Meeting with the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra, Musa Rajekshah in the North Sumatra Deputy Governor’s Office, Governor’s Office, Jalan Diponegoro Medan, last week.

“Our readiness has reached 80 percent, all that’s left is finishing on the track and printing brochures and others,” said Edwin Nasution.

The committee, continued Edwin, also prepared various social service activities to assist the government in reducing the stunting rate.

“In this event, we will also carry out an intervention to stop open defecation in Sibaganding Village, Sipangan Bolon District, by giving Rp. 500 thousand for materials for the construction of latrines for 489 families. In addition, there will also be a social service providing loudspeakers to mosques and churches,” he said.



Success of the 2022 Rally National Championship

Meanwhile, the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra, Musa Rajekshah, who is familiarly called Ijeck, hoped that the 2022 Rally National Championship could be better than the 2021 Rally National Championship.

Considering that this activity is also a preparation for the Asian Pacific Rally Championship (APRC) which will be held in September 2022 and the World Rally Championship (WRC) in 2023.

“This National Championship will be a barometer for the upcoming APRC and WRC. We hope that this activity can be better than before because some of Perally’s friends claimed to have prepared their newest rally car to be able to participate in this activity. The enthusiasm is quite big,” he said.

He continued, the support provided by the North Sumatran Government and the Central Government must be a passion for IMI as the organizer. He also hopes that IMI can continue to communicate with the Central IMI regarding WRC.

In addition, Ijeck also asked for community support, especially those in the Lake Toba area, especially in the TPL HTI area to make the 2022 Rally National Championship a success because this activity has a good impact on economic recovery.



The chairman of IMI Sumut Harun Mustafa also added that his party needed support and commitment from all parties to make the National Rally Championship a success and bring back the WRC in Lake Toba.

“This rally will have a double effect on the economy of the surrounding community, especially in Simalungun Regency and the Lake Toba area. For that we hope for the support of all parties and we also thank the North Sumatra Provincial Government and all those who have supported it, “he said.

The rally track in the HTI TPL area of ​​the Aek Nauli Sector has previously been the location for international events, which was part of the SS track in the 1996 and 1997 World Rally Championships, and was also used as a track at the 2007 National Rally Championships, 2019 and finally the 2021 National Rally Championships. ***






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