Dandim 0201/Medan Sambut Hangat Kunjungan Institut Bisnis IT&B

Dandim 0201/Medan Sambut Hangat Kunjungan Institut Bisnis IT&B

Dandim 0201/Medan Sambut Hangat Kunjungan Institut Bisnis IT&B • OBROLANBISNIS.com — Dandim 0201/Medan, Kolonel Inf. Ferry Muzawwad, S.IP., M.Si. menyambut hangat kunjungan Managing Director Institut Bisnis IT&B, Assoc Prof Dr. Agus Susanto Tan dan Wakil Rektor III Institut Bisnis IT&B, Ir. Albert Masli, S.E., S.P., M.M., M.Pd. di Makodim 0201/Medan, Rabu, 21 Agustus 2024.

Tujuan audiensi tersebut, untuk menjalin silahturahmi dan melakukan diskusi mengenai kebangsaan, serta mengundang kesediaan Dandim 0201/Medan, Kolonel Inf. Ferry Muzawwad, S.IP., M.Si. untuk menjadi narasumber dalam kegiatan Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus bagi Mahasiswa Baru (PPKMB) Institut Bisnis IT&B.

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Managing Director Institut Bisnis IT&B, Assoc Prof Dr. Agus Susanto Tan mengatakan, Institut Bisnis IT&B siap berkolaborasi dengan Kodim 0201/Medan untuk memberikan beasiswa kepada abdi negara dan melaksanakan berbagai program pengabdian masyarakat di Kota Medan.

“Suatu kehormatan bagi Institut Bisnis IT&B dapat berkolaborasi dengan keluarga besar Kodim 0201/Medan dalam mempersiapkan SDM yang nasionalis di Kota Medan,” ujar Assoc Prof Dr. Agus Susanto Tan

Sementara itu, Dandim 0201/Medan, Kolonel Inf. Ferry Muzawwad, S.IP., M.Si. mengatakan, siap berkolaborasi dengan Institut Bisnis IT&B dalam mendidik generasi muda penerus bangsa Indonesia.

“Pendidikan karakter, wawasan kebangsaan dan pendidikan bela negara sangat penting untuk disosialisasikan dan diaplikasikan oleh mahasiswa/i yang kelak akan menjadi generasi penerus,” sebut Kolonel Inf. Ferry Muzawwad, S.IP., M.Si.

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Wakil Rektor III Institut Bisnis IT&B, Ir. Albert Masli, S.E., S.P., M.M., M.Pd. menambahkan, rencana pelaksanaan PPKMB Institut Bisnis IT&B pada tahun ini akan dilaksanakan satu hari di kampus dan akan dilanjutkan kegiatan outbound training yang dilaksanakan di Batalyon Komando 469 Kopasgat.

“Institut Bisnis IT&B akan terus bersinergi dengan berbagai instansi dan melibatkan alumni dalam melaksanakan berbagai program guna memberikan bekal bagi mahasiswa/i. Kami atas nama Institut Bisnis IT&B mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Dandim 0201/Medan yang telah bersedia mendukung program kami,” ujar Ir. Albert Masli, S.E., S.P., M.M., M.Pd.

Pada pertemuan tersebut, Dandim 0201/Medan juga menyampaikan, akan mengunjungi Institut Bisnis IT&B pada kegiatan PKKMB Institut Bisnis IT&B dan bersedia menjadi narasumber untuk memberikan Kuliah Umum kepada mahasiswa/i Institut Bisnis IT&B. ***

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Dandim 0201/Medan Warmly Welcomes Visit from IT&B Business Institute • OBROLANBISNIS.com — Dandim 0201/Medan, Colonel Inf. Ferry Muzawwad, S.IP., M.Si. warmly welcomed the visit of the Managing Director of the IT&B Business Institute, Assoc Prof Dr. Agus Susanto Tan and Vice Chancellor III of the IT&B Business Institute, Ir. Albert Masli, S.E., S.P., M.M., M.Pd. at the Makodim 0201/Medan, Wednesday, August 21, 2024.

The purpose of the audience was to establish friendship and hold discussions on nationality, as well as to invite the willingness of Dandim 0201/Medan, Colonel Inf. Ferry Muzawwad, S.IP., M.Si. to be a resource person in the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PPKMB) of the IT&B Business Institute.

Managing Director of the IT&B Business Institute, Assoc Prof Dr. Agus Susanto Tan said, the IT&B Business Institute is ready to collaborate with Kodim 0201/Medan to provide scholarships to civil servants and implement various community service programs in Medan City.

“It is an honor for the IT&B Business Institute to be able to collaborate with the extended family of Kodim 0201/Medan in preparing nationalist human resources in Medan City,” said Assoc Prof Dr. Agus Susanto Tan

Meanwhile, Dandim 0201/Medan, Colonel Inf. Ferry Muzawwad, S.IP., M.Si. said, ready to collaborate with the IT&B Business Institute in educating the younger generation of the Indonesian nation’s successors.

“Character education, national insight and national defense education are very important to be socialized and applied by students who will become the next generation,” said Colonel Inf. Ferry Muzawwad, S.IP., M.Si.

Vice Chancellor III of the IT&B Business Institute, Ir. Albert Masli, S.E., S.P., M.M., M.Pd. added that the plan to implement the PPKMB of the IT&B Business Institute this year will be held for one day on campus and will be continued with outbound training activities held at the 469 Kopasgat Commando Battalion.

“The IT&B Business Institute will continue to synergize with various agencies and involve alumni in implementing various programs to provide provisions for students. On behalf of the IT&B Business Institute, we would like to thank the Dandim 0201/Medan who has been willing to support our program,” said Ir. Albert Masli, S.E., S.P., M.M., M.Pd.

At the meeting, Dandim 0201/Medan also said that he will visit the IT&B Business Institute during the IT&B Business Institute PKKMB activity and is willing to be a resource person to give a Public Lecture to students of the IT&B Business Institute. ***


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