KI Sumut Gelar Monev Keterbukaan Informasi Tahun 2022

KI Sumut Gelar Monev Keterbukaan Informasi Tahun 2022

KI Sumut Gelar Monev Keterbukaan Informasi Tahun 2022 | — Komisi Informasi (KI) Provinsi Sumatera Utara (Sumut) akan melaksanakan monitoring dan evaluasi (Monev) tahun 2022. Rencananya, tahapan Monev akan dimulai pada akhir Juli nanti.

Ketua KI Sumut, Dr Abdul Haris dalam keterangan persnya mengatakan, Monev dilaksanakan untuk menilai tingkat kepatuhan badan publik terhadap keterbukaan informasi publik.

“Monev dilaksanakan bertujuan untuk memantau kualitas pelaksanaan keterbukaan informasi publik sebagaimana amanah UU nomor 14 Tahun 2008,” ujar Abdul Haris didampingi komisioner KI Sumut lainnya yaitu, Wakil Ketua Drs Eddy Syahputra, Dr Cut Alma (Divisi Kelembagaan), Syafii Sitorus SH (Divisi PSI) dan Dedy Ardiansyah (Divisi ASE).

Ditambahkan, pelaksanaan Monev merupakan agenda tahunan yang dilakukan Komisi Informasi Sumatera Utara. Namun untuk kurun dua tahun terakhir tidak dilaksanakan karena pandemi Covid 19.

BISNIS HARI INI: Mendag: Pemerintah Mendorong Bisnis Ritel Tetap Tumbuh

“Pelaksanaan Monev tahun 2022 ini menindaklanjuti pelaksanaan Monev yang terhenti pada tahun 2020 dan 2021 karena pandemi Covid 19,” tuturnya dalam pesan elektronik yang diterima, Kamis, 20 Juli 2022.

Sementara Dr Cut Alma menambahkan, pelaksanaan Monev keterbukaan informasi dilakukan terhadap badan publik, baik itu lembaga/institusi pemerintah.

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Dalam Monev nanti, ujarnya, terdapat lima kategori penilaian, yaitu informatif, menuju informatif, cukup informatif, kurang informatif dan tidak informatif.

“Kegiatan Monev Keterbukaan Informasi Badan Publik tahun 2022 dilaksanakan kepada Badan Publik yang terdiri atas 5 kategori, yaitu Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD) jajaran Pemprovsu, Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten/Kota, Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) dan Kategori Pemerintahan Desa,” ujar Cut Alma.

Jadwal pelaksanaan Monev tahun 2022 sendiri akan dimulai akhir Juli 2022, diawali dengan sosialisasi monev ke badan publik.

Selanjutnya, pengisian kuesioner oleh Badan Publik, verifikasi oleh tim KI Sumut, hingga penganugerah KIP 2022 medio November 2022. ***

google translate

KI North Sumatra Holds Monitoring and Evaluation of Information Disclosure in 2022 | — The Information Commission (KI) of the Province of North Sumatra (North Sumatra) will carry out monitoring and evaluation (Monev) in 2022. It is planned that the Monev stage will begin at the end of July.

Chairman of KI North Sumatra, Dr. Abdul Haris in his press statement said, Monev was carried out to assess the level of compliance of public bodies with public information disclosure.

“Monev is carried out aiming to monitor the quality of the implementation of public information disclosure as mandated by Law number 14 of 2008,” said Abdul Haris accompanied by other North Sumatra KI commissioners, namely, Deputy Chairperson of Drs Eddy Syahputra, Dr Cut Alma (Institutional Division), Syafii Sitorus SH (PSI Division) and Dedy Ardiansyah (ASE Division).

He added that the implementation of Monev is an annual agenda carried out by the North Sumatra Information Commission. However, for the past two years it has not been carried out due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The implementation of Monev in 2022 follows up on the implementation of Monev which was stopped in 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid 19 pandemic,” he said in an electronic message received on Thursday, July 20, 2022.



Meanwhile, Dr Cut Alma added that the implementation of Monev on information disclosure was carried out on public bodies, be it government institutions/institutions.

In Monev later, he said, there are five categories of assessment, namely informative, to informative, quite informative, less informative and not informative.

“Monev activities for Public Agency Information Disclosure in 2022 are carried out for Public Agency which consists of 5 categories, namely Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) within the ranks of the Provincial Government, Regency/City Governments, Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) and Village Government Categories,” said Cut Alma.

The schedule for the implementation of the Monev in 2022 will begin at the end of July 2022, beginning with the socialization of the monev to public bodies.

Furthermore, filling out the questionnaire by the Public Agency, verification by the North Sumatra KI team, until the awarding of the 2022 KIP in mid-November 2022. ***






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